The Let's Play Archive

Heroes of Might and Magic

by Darth TNT

Part 26: Final Level

Update 26

Day 1

Welcome to the final level. Obviously, the best hero will join us, aka lord Kilburn. It only took me zero resets to get him since even the RNG doesn't dare messing with him. Anway since this is the last level we’ll just pop into the castle and buy us some paladins.

Or not…this is stupid. Why were the castles during the face offs better equipped?
To decide what to build I check the day, it’s day 4. So I build a tavern to get my usual swordsmen. Had it been day 6 I would’ve probably built a well to get pikemen and a stronger growth. I buy some archers and peasants and off Kilburn goes to attack more peasants.

It seems so long ago when I first started killing peasants for fun and profit.

It wasn't that much profit.

A wagon camp, I think some rogues would help Kilburn take some extra mines.

Meanwhile, back home I buy Teal’c.

After picking up some ore, he picks a fight with some peasants.

Hard work!


Through Teal'cs scouting we spot a purse of gold that’s guarded by paladins. I want it.

Day 2

An armory is built and Sandro is hired by virtue of looking awesome.

And his warlock units will do well with Kilburn.

The extra vision Sandro brings to the table is also very welcome.


I can’t help but notice the scarcity of resource stacks thus far. Building up the castle is going to be tougher than last times.

He can’t get through there.

Day 3

This place is dangerous, but at least I found an ore mine.

The gazebo gave Kilburn a +1 to defense. He can’t reach the ore mine due to the trolls. There is no way that he’s going to pick a fight with trolls at his current level. Unfortunately, that means that this is currently a dead end. He needs to fight the archers.
Back home a well is built.

Day 4

Just look at that face. It's really no wonder he managed to become a fan favorite despite having no actual story in Heroes 1 and Heroes 2. He does get the benefit of having been in the Might and Magic games as a quest giver.

The ultimate artifact is somewhere on this map and Tyro claims the first obelisk. Back home a blacksmith is built.

Day 5

Now we can start building an army.

I also built a jousting area, but was out of money after that. We’ll have to work without Cavalry for the moment.

Stupid archers, fortunately I have a few gargoyles.

So far, one gargoyle died. He's not going to attack in an attempt to keep him alive. It’s probably not going to work.

My archer shoots a stack of archers and kills it. In turn I lose an archer when the smallest stack hits them in return. On the bright side, I can withdraw the gargoyles to fight another day and slot in the pikemen and swordsmen.

Not too bad.

We may as well continue on.

Maybe I was overconfident.

We go in and kill two.

The swordsmen help block the archers and also kill two. They kill another 3 when the middle stack attacks them in return. The centaurs are going to die and there’s a good chance the gargoyles will as well. The difference being I'm actively sacrificing the centaurs.

I start weakening stacks. To be honest I’m not sure if I should’ve had them kill a weakened stack or continue to weaken stacks so the other guys can clean up. I ultimately took the second option.

The gargoyles decided to perch on the enemies should before flying to the other side.

One pikemen stack attacked the pikemen, who killed the pikemen upon retaliation. Confused yet? Mine are now severely weakening the middle stack. The swordsmen will take the bottom stack.

Those expressions never get old. And then the centaurs died. I also lost a swordsmen after one of the enemy stacks decided to ignore the centaurs. The centaurs only did 5 damage at the most, so I can’t blame them.

The gargoyles fly backwards to help and this stunt kills a single pikeman.

Now this one dies and the last will die to the swordsmen.

That’s pretty good.

The extended view is great. Really, the difference can't be overstated. The view is at least double what everyone else sees.

Day 6

This is great, an ore mine and a sawmill have been spotted. Kilburn can go get the sawmill.

The terrain is on my side for once! Those trees do a great job at blocking those wolves.

The archers shoot the bottom wolf.

Which leaves things like this. I could have the gargoyle kill the bottom wolf, but he’s going to stay where he is. The top wolf already skipped its turn. The 3 wolf will now attack the pikemen, but he should survive. After that, the center wolf will get its turn which it will also skip since it can’t reach anything. The 2 wolf will attack and die to the swordsmen and the 1 wolf will fall to the gargoyles next turn.

Dang, the pikemen were over eager. I expected the wolves to survive since they only killed 2 last time around. This cost me a pikeman. Everything else goes according to plan.

Vengeance will be mine!

The gargoyles fail to kill the wolf. Frustrated they try again with a high morale second turn…and fail again.

Somehow everyone was needed to kill that thing.

It cost me more pikemen than I wanted. Still a level up and an attack +1.

Even more wolves show up. Anyway, Tyro collected the cavalry and he’s on his way to Kilburn.

Day 7

Kilburn could go and get them, but he’ll run out of steps to get the wood anyway, so I’ll have him pick those up instead. I’d rather not attack the wolves until he receives his cavalry.

Sandro found crystal stashes! This is perfect, I’m one crystal and 2.000 gold short of a cathedral. In two turns I’ll be up and running with my paladins again.

Day 8

Now to talk some sense into those wolves.

That’s still a lot of wolves to fight. Maybe I should’ve brought the peasants along instead of the gargoyles. They can at least hit hard and lack of movement isn't an issue when the enemy comes to you instead.

It’s go time!

Both are needed to kill a single stack.

The gargoyles weren’t going to be much help this time, so I sent them off again.

They did end up coming back for the final hit. Anyway, we won and receive a sawmill in return.

Everything is really well guarded this level. I really need to get a proper army going.

Day 9

Kilburn is heading home to get paladins and clear the area around the castle. Possibly to get the boots from the genies. Tyro will continue the path that Kilburn started.

Finally we’re almost back into fighting shape.

Day 10

A barbarian village, probably needed to get across the lake.

Sandro spots a warlock village as he heads to visit the obelisk. I’m not going to buy a mage guild yet, I want to try and have Kilburn recruit wandering stacks again by having superior numbers.

Day 11

Looking at the way the coast is positioned, I assume that the artifact is across from my location.

These gargoyles are doing a bang up job guarding routes. That’s probably something you could learn from this LP from this level and the last, gargoyles are horrible at guarding things.

Not more swamp!

Tyro also claims a bit of map.
Kilburn returns home and he’s going to stay there, tomorrow is a new week and he can use the units.

Day 12

This will have to do for now.

This map has weird and useless enemy placements.

Day 13

We can easily win this, but don’t forget the genie special ability. This battle is pretty dangerous but I really want the shoes.

They hit pretty hard despite Kilburn’s decent defense.

Stay away from my paladins!

The swordsmen and the pikemen kill a single genie together. The archers skip their turn. That puny knife will only cost them units.

The cavalry kill one.

And the paladins kill the last. No halving!

Level up for Kilburn and a +1 to his defense.


Day 14

My boots!

And another piece of the puzzle.

Tyro is done scouting for the moment.

This is a horrible selection of spells.

Day 15

Kilburn gets some units and a spell book and now he’s off to attack the archers north of our castle.

Day 16

The plan is working!

Day 17

Now for the next guys.


With the road clear Sandro swoops in to scout and pick up resources. Kilburn will take on those paladins.

Summon boat could be a very useful spell here.

Day 18

Too bad.

And I was just about to be frustrated that the Pikemen couldn’t reach any enemies due to bad placing.

I lost some archers. I contemplated having the cavalry attack the other paladins, but this seemed safer.

I was right since my own paladins promptly cut a swath through the opposing paladins.

He didn’t need that spine anyway.

Victory smells like a purse of infinite gold!

And this smells like the aforementioned purse!

I wonder if these guys will join.

Sandro visited the top obelisk in the previous screenshot. Tyro is currently on his way to visit the gazebo for a free level. Never hurts to have an extra level under your belt should he come under attack.

I can see my entire corner of the map. You know what, this is a pretty decent location to stop. Next update we decide whether we expand south or west or take the time to build up a castle to build a shipyard. (not likely)