Part 19: Finding the First Item
Music: Monochrome (Map)Music: Rainy Night (Examination)

We can investigate this room now that Louie's gone.

Mop There's a mop leaning against the wall.
Locker There's a locker on the wall. It's unlocked.

Bottles Bottles of floor cleaner are next to the toolbox.
Mops There are some mops in the bottom of the locker.
Cloth Looks like a dust rag to me.
Toolbox There's a toolbox on a shelf in the locker.

Zoomed-in toolbox It's a toolbox.
Crowbar What's that? A crowbar?

Screwdriver Lucky me. It's a screwdriver.

Pliers There's a pair of pliers in here.

Cart It's a linen cart. Empty as can be. Louie must be slacking again.
Trash can It's a plastic garbage can.
Iron That iron looks heavy.
Table There's an old, worn ironing board next to the wall.
Spray bottle That's a spray bottle.

Top-left cloth These look like towels for the guest rooms.
Other clothes These must be sheets for the guest rooms.

Left bottle There's a bottle of cleanser on the shelf.
Right bottle It's a bottle of bleach. Keep out of reach of children.
Top-left cloths These look like towels for the guest rooms.
Other clothes These must be sheets for the guest rooms.
Bottom-middle 'cloth' Whoa, that's not a sheet. It's a nudie mag.

Magazine I've seen that dame on the cover before. Says her name's Cecily Lee...
I'm impressed Kyle knows that.

That's all we can do in this room. When we get out...

Moving a few steps...

A door near the stairs opens and someone peeks out.

Music: Slow Steps

The old woman with the eye patch turns and shuffles back to her room.
(??? Why's she staying here? ???)
We can now knock the door and ask the question.


Music: Rainy Night

Read note

Write note

Show room 215 key

Show hotel brochure

Show men's magazine

Show others

1. a small flake of soot or other dirt or a mark left by one.
2. a fungal disease of cereals in which parts of the ear change to black powder.
3. obscene or lascivious talk, writing or pictures.
This game is educational!
Why stay here?

(??? Dear memories? ???)
What kind of memories?

Music: Slow Steps

Helen closes her door.
Music: So Noted

The map has been updated. The two rightmost rooms were blacked out before.
Music: Monochrome
As Kyle said, we should check out the office.

Music: Hangover Blues

Dunning says nothing more and shuts the door.
Oh... Right... We still haven't opened the suitcase. If I remember correctly...
Thesaya posted:
Well, the hanger for sure but I haven't seen any wirecutters lying around.
We can try this now.
Music: Straight Chaser

We do have something to cut the hanger now.
Use pliers on hanger

We got into a minigame. We have to pick the spot we want to use the pliers on. Once we picked a spot the pliers will cut it.

Like this.

You can faintly see the spots where it's been cut. Ignore the fact that the cut part is different from the pliers shot from the previous picture.
If we didn't cut the hanger correctly, it won't lead to game over, instead this happens

And we can try again. So, it's time for AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION.
How should we cut this hanger?