Part 27: 05:40 PM
Music: Same as previous updates (Sapu)
This talk with Helen doesn't change at all. However, this time we don't knock on her door.
We've seen what happens if we try to go into the office without the money.
We also put the client list in the suitcase.
Not pressing this still results in Kyle getting free dinner and dessert.
We actually can leave this office at any time. The story won't progress until we get the red box, but it's useful to know especially if you forgot to take the crowbar.
Now to just lift up the cabinet...


Music: Drunken Waltz

What're ya doin' over there? Why ya got that crowbar?

Just doing a little yard work.

Get yer ass outta here! On the double! Got no need for guests like you in my place! And put m'damn crowbar down!

Now move it! 'Fore I teach ya a thing or two!
Music: Dream's End

Ah... Nice going, Hyde...
Louie: 2
Dunning: 2
Melissa: 1
Iris: 1
Martin: 1
Rosa: 1
Everyone Else: 0
Fun fact: This is the first game over caused by failing a minigame and it won't be the last.
I actually got this game over on my first playthrough, since I got the bright idea to hold the crowbar while tapping the memo. Turns out, the DS does not support dual touch. It treats as if I let go of the crowbar.
Yes, I know what those of you playing the game are thinking: what about the switch puzzle? That will be explained later so calm down.
Also, notice that the memo looks different since in this timeline we never ripped it off.
For comparison:
Music: Sapu
Like I said: not ripped and randomized. Still a stupid way to keep your password, though.
Louie won't appear until we've done everything in the office. Just getting the box isn't enough.
Nothing to do with you.

Business that's got nothing to do with you, Louie. So mind yours.

...That so?
I sure was!

Sure was.

Aw, man, why?! Why the hell would ya go and do that? Yer killin' me here!

Why'd you have to go and open your big mouth? You're a total loser! You damn dirtbag!
Louie storms away.
We're now left to wander aimlessly. When we get near the stairs...
Even Kyle by now know what this means.
Music: Drunken Waltz

Hyde! I got a bone t'pick with ya! It's about Louis!

What now? He misplaced someone's medication?

Get this! Kid came bargin' into my office and ya know what he wanted? Wanted to know if ya told me he had a criminal record!


'Course I got no idea what he's yappin' about, 'cause we ain't been talkin'! Now I don't know what the hell's goin' on between you two, but lemme tell ya... I don't need this crap! I don't need any trouble-makers in my hotel!

Pack yer stuff and get out before I throw ya on the street m'self!

Music: Dream's End

(Oh, I see... It's when I was coming out of Dunning's office. Louie asked me what I'd been talking to Dunning about.)

Louie: 3
Dunning: 2
Melissa: 1
Iris: 1
Martin: 1
Rosa: 1
Everyone Else: 0
Music: Sapu
Nah, it wasn't about you.
Better lie to him.

You believed that? Ha! You're an idiot, Louie.

You were lying?

What a jerk! You have fun pulling my chain? Think you're a clown? You're a total scumbag! You been a cop all along, huh?

You make me sick, man! Wish I could puke all over your shoes!
Louie storms away.
As before, we're left to wander aimlessly and this scene happens near the stairs.
Music: Drunken Waltz

You! Hyde! Wait just a gol-darn minute! You're a cop, ain't ya?!


That's right, pal! The cat's outta the bag now!

Just had me a little chat with Louis, and he told me you're fuzz! Like I told ya, this hotel's off-limits to all scumbags... Includin' COPS! Ya ain't stayin' here, pal!

Grab yer things and get the hell out!

Music: Dream's End

(Oh, I see... It's when I was coming out of Dunning's office. Louie asked me what I'd been talking to Dunning about.)

Louie: 4
Dunning: 2
Melissa: 1
Iris: 1
Martin: 1
Rosa: 1
Everyone Else: 0
The flashback is a little different from the reality. It's not really a big deal.
Music: Sapu
I guess I can trust him...
Yeah, I know him.

Yeah, I know him.

I was sure I heard Louis call you "Officer Hyde." Good to know I wasn't just imagining things. That wouldn't do at all.
This scene by itself doesn't trigger any game over or lead to a game over choice. Things continue as normal.
Rat out Louie.

Louie and me go way back. Met him when I was still living in the city. In Manhattan.

What was Louis doing in Manhattan?

Picking pockets.


What did you say? He was a pickpocket? He stole things? Good lord!

Are you telling me the truth?


Lord have mercy!

Don't worry.

That was three years ago. Louie's crime days are behind him.

He's a new man now. Working hard and-

Oh, I just knew it! I was right all along, I was! I could tell he wasn't an honest kid. That punk! That lazy, no-good punk!

He can't fool Rosa! He might fool that fool Dunning, but he can't fool Rosa!

You're wrong. Louie's...
No, I didn't miss anything. It goes directly to the questions screen.
We don't need to ask any of them. After that Rosa leaves and the pager beeps. Near the stairs... (After we go up this time.)
Music: Drunken Waltz (I think by now this is the most dreaded music in the entire game.)

Hey, Hyde! My office just got ransacked!

And I got a hunch you had somethin' t'do with it!


Don't play dumb with me, chump! I've been chattin' with Rosa.

Tells me you and Louis are thick as thieves. And speakin' of thieves... Heard that punk Louis has a record for pickpocketin' in New York! That right?! Ain't no place in my hotel for scum like you! I don't need the hassle!

Pack your things and get out before I toss yer ass out with my own two hands!

Music: Dream's End (At least with this one you know when it's coming.)

(Oh, I get it... It was my conversation with Rosa...)

Louie: 4
Dunning: 2
Rosa: 2
Melissa: 1
Iris: 1
Martin: 1
Everyone Else: 0
I'm hoping for someone to make a banner to use for the GAME OVER SCOREBOARD. Those numbers are going to increase a lot in this game. We're only halfway past chapter 2 and already got 11 of them!
Music: Sapu
Don't tell her anything.


I don't know, lady.
Again, I didn't skip anything and we don't have to ask them.
Fun fact: Kyle's reactions to Dunning appearing is exactly the same in the last 4 cases.
Music: Drunken Waltz

Hey, Hyde! My office just got ransacked!

And I got a hunch you had somethin' t'do with it!


Don't play soft with me!

I hear you and Louis are old pals! Thick as thieves, you two are!
What, Yoda now, you are?

That why you're here? Ya tryin' to help Louis hide his rap sheet? Forget it, pal! Rosa's got eyes'n the back'a her head. Ya can't fool her! You're bad news, and I don't want nothin' t'do with ya!

Pack your stuff and get the hell out!

Music: Dream's End

(Oh, I get it... It's because I didn't say anything when Rosa asked me about Louie's past.)

Louie: 4
Rosa: 3
Dunning: 2
Melissa: 1
Iris: 1
Martin: 1
Everyone Else: 0
Rosa's catching up! She's making up from not having any last chapter! The amount of game overs in this update alone is the same as in the entire Chapter 1!
And that is why you should ALWAYS press when given the chance to.
Music: Sapu
Let's press this time.
You think he's shifty?

You think he's shifty?

Oh, no doubt about it. Rosa has a nose for these things! That boy's got a criminal record for sure! No doubt!


What's wrong with you? Why do you look so surprised?

What's wrong with YOU?!

...What? What're you talking about?

A woman of your stature-

What's THAT supposed to mean?!

You heard me.

C'mon. You're a mature woman, right? Good judge of character?

As a matter of fact, yes. I am. What's that got to do with the price of tea?

It's just that when a woman like you says a guy like Louie is a criminal... It's a bit surprising, is all. I expected more from you.

What on earth do you mean, Mr. Hyde? Am I wrong? Is that it? I'm wrong?
Pictured: Kyle lying. I prefer the smug solution from the original timeline.

Look, Louie's a nice guy, but he's a dope. Not a crook.

Sure, he's a slacker who plays the angles, but he's not out to hurt people. He's just a small-time guy who worked a greasy pizza joint in the East Village. And he hasn't changed a bit. Just doing what he needs to do to skate by.
1. No red aura this time about Manhattan.
2. A completely different story from the smug solution.

Really? So that's it? Well, I never suspected...
I don't remember if that sprite is ever used again.

It's me. You paged me.

Sure did, sweetie!

What is it?

Let me put Ed on.
The conversation with Ed goes exactly the same.

And that ends the time period! Wow, that's a long update.