Part 44: Utilizing Louie's Skill

Just wanted to show that there's no sunset anymore.

Music: Big Dreams

After we walk a few steps, there's beeping sound.

But before we do that...

Take the time to enjoy the moon. Not sure how the moon immediately appears after sunset, but there you go.
Also, the moon in 28 December 1979 was not a full moon but who cares?

Music: Serenity

Actually, Rachel says "Red Crown Enterprises, this is Rachel" but I'm too lazy to make a new GIF.

Wow, Kyle is actually nice to Rachel in this original (New Game +) timeline.

Insert knocking sound here.

Psssst... ... PSSSSSSSSTTT!! Yo, Hyde! It's me! Hullo?

Music: Easy Feeling

Louie finishes yapping and heads off.
Music: Monochrome

And so we head to room 217.

Use room 217 key on knob


Music: Straight Chaser

Curtain There's a shower curtain around the bathtub.
Bathtub Bathtub's clean as can be.
Toilet Toilet's clean. Good thing, too. I don't want anything to do with a dirty one.
Tissue Toilet paper. Man's best friend.
Towels Fresh, clean towels. I'm definitely taking some of those with me.
Sink And another sink you could eat off of.
Bottles A bottle of shampoo.
Mirror Mirror's sparkly. Rosa even cleans the rooms that no one uses. What a trooper.
Lamp There's a light above the mirror.

Chair That's another wooden chair. Hope this place never catches on fire...
Table It's a round wooden table.
Tea set A tea set? Huh. Didn't know L.A. folks liked tea so much.
Menu A restaurant menu's on top of the table.
Fridge What's under the TV? Oh, it's a fridge. Nice.
TV The television's not turned on. Too bad, I'd like to see the news.
Dresser It's a dresser.

Left envelope There's some hotel letterhead here. Several sheets have already been used.
Right envelope It's a hotel envelope.
Lighter There's a lighter in the drawer.

Or maybe someone else uses that kind of lighter. Have you ever thought of that?

Window I can see the highway from the window.
Painting There's a painting on the floor. ...That's weird. Why is it there?

Zoomed-in painting It's a painting of some apples. I still don't get why it's on the floor.
Paper slightly visible to the right of the painting

There's a man and a girl in the photo. They look like father and daughter.

Tables There are small tables on either side of the bed.
Brochure A hotel brochure. Different room, same brochure.
Phone Same phone I've seen in every other room.
Bed I'd love to see just one bed that looked like it's been slept in.
Wall lamp An ugly lamp is attached to the wall.
Darker wall Looks like there used to be a painting there.
Table lamp There's a lamp on top of the table. Nothing too interesting there.
And that's all to examine in this room. With nothing to do, we leave the room...
Music stops

Hi Jeff! Haven't seen you in a while.

Stoolie (noun):
1. Short for stool pigeon.
Stool pigeon (noun):
1. A police informer.
2. A person acting as a decoy.
Huh. More education from this game. And Kyle sounds eerily like a criminal boss.
Music: Drunken Waltz

Music: Dream's End

Louie: 5
Rosa: 3
Dunning: 3
Martin: 2
Melissa: 2
Iris: 1
Jeff: 1
Chapter 4's off to a good start!

You can actually see from this picture earlier that there's someone on the right barely visible.

When you go to Room 217 from Room 215, you will see Jeff if you pay attention to the top/left screen. I just helpfully neglected to post it earlier.
That is why this is not the most unfair Game Over, but a lot of people get this one since they just go from point A to B without paying attention to the top screen. ...Yeah, I'm one of them.