Part 51: Chapter 4 Quiz
Music: Play It Again
I gave Rachel a buzz and asked her to dig up info on the guy. While I was waiting, I figured I'd check out the room the other Kyle Hyde stayed in. With my old pal Louie's help, I got the key to Room 217 and let myself in. That's where I found the lighter. The one that I think belonged to Bradley. But that wasn't the only clue I found in Room 217. Along with the lighter, I also found...

$20,000 in cash

A newspaper

An old photo
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

That's when I found the stack of cash hidden in the toilet tank. I needed to know who left it there and why, so I put on my detective face and left. That's when Rosa cornered me and saddled me with one of Summer's books. She insisted that I...

Look for stolen goods

Let her clean

Get an autograph
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

That's when Summer noticed he'd lost something. The thing Summer dropped was...

His novel

A crowbar

A fountain pen
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

But now I was onto him, and getting more suspicious by the second. See, Rosa said something that got me interested in Summer again. She talked about...

Her collection

The back stairs

I don't know, the back stairs sounds suspicious to me. How would he know that he can use it? It said "Staff Only" on the door!
Summer's real name
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

Guy cracked like Humpty Dumpty and spilled his guts about his debut novel. The big secret was...

He has odd handwriting

This hotel holds memories

He stole a friend's work
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

But now I got some other things to take care of before I can follow up on these leads. The guests here eat, sleep, and hoard secrets like squirrels hoard nuts. I was willing to let 'em take their private affairs home and let it be. But that was before somebody decided to stash a wad of cash in my john.
Music: Silent Moon

And that is Kyle's excuse for snooping in other people's lives who (seemingly) has nothing to do with Bradley.