Part 60: Jeff Angel
Music: Slow Steps

What's the deal?
Jeff closes the door and comes into the room.
Music: Resolution

You'd better get out of here now.

Yeah? I thought it was the kitchen. Ain't Rosa around here somewhere?

Are you trying to be funny? Are you LAUGHING at me? Well, laugh this off! I'm calling the front desk and getting the police over here!
That's the attitude that gives you "game over"s, Kyle.

Bad idea, pal. You're the last person who wants to see the cops.

What's that supposed to mean?

Oh, just a feeling I got.

Now wait just one-

So here we are, in your room. Just a couple of guys having a harmless chat.

Tell me something, Jeff. You got a thing for cops and robbers, right? Is a little casual B&E a crime? That's breaking and entering, if you were confused.

I... I know what it is, all right? I'm not stupid! Of course it's a crime!

Now get out of my room!

Oh yeah, I'm going. Don't you worry about it.

But tell me something. Since you're so smart and all... Why'd you do it?

What did you do when you broke into my room, huh? Watch TV? Nap on the bed?

Time to sing, little birdie.
You hid cash in my john.

You hid a stack of cash inside the toilet tank. Didn't you?


Look, if I had a
stack of cash, I'm sure I wouldn't hide it in somebody's toilet, OK?

Gonna play dumb, huh?

Oh, I got proof. I got all the proof I need.
I got an eyewitness.

I got an eyewitness who saw you come out of my room.


Yeah, nice comeback. Oh, and I also know about the piece you stashed in the cart.

Knock it off! You can't just say things like that!

Give it up, kid. You're not getting away with this. Why'd you do something so stupid, anyway?
Music: On the Rocks
I know about the cash.

There's a reason you hid that cash in my room. You wanted to see me take a fall!

Look, I didn't hide any cash in your room. How would I ever get in there?


If you're going to say things like that, you'd better have proof.

(...Proof? I guess I need something more to nail this punk.)
I know about the gun.

I know why you hid the pistol in the laundry cart. You wanted to make somebody else into a criminal.

I didn't hide a gun in the laundry cart. I don't know what you're talking about.
Your real name is...

Your real name is... Jeff Damon, right?

What...what are you talking about?

My name's Angel. Jeff Angel.
Well this is going nowhere. We'll have to show our evidence to him.
Show stack of cash

It was you! I knew it! You stole my money!

You hid this dough in my room.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Where'd you get the money?

I said I don't know what you're talking about! What don't you understand?
Show pistol

Why are you showing me that?

Found this piece in the laundry room. That's where you hid it, right?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You're lying, punk.

Why are you so convinced that I hid it? I bet if you dusted it for prints, you'd only find yours.
Show Jeff's student ID

What's that supposed to be? I don't know anything about it.
Show duplicate room 217 key


You want to tell me what you're doing with this?

I know about the cash.

You hid the cash I found in my room, didn't you?

I told you I don't know anything about it! You're really getting on my nerves!


If you're going to say things like that, you'd better have proof.

(...Proof? I guess I need something more to nail this punk.)
I know about the gun.

I know why you hid the pistol in the laundry cart. You wanted to make somebody else into a criminal.

No! I didn't!

I told you I don't know anything about that!
Your real name is...

Your real name's Jeff Damon, isn't it?

No, it's NOT! How many times do I have to tell you? My name's Jeff Angel!
We're STILL going nowhere. Let's show other items and see what happens.
Read note

What are you looking at?
Write note

Are you writing a book or something?
Sadly previous items evokes the same response as normal. Asking the questions again just gives the same dialogue. With nothing to do, we leave the room (it somehow doesn't give a game over).
Music: Insomnia

(Wait a minute...)

(What was that windbag Summer going on about...)

I must tell you about this article I was reading in the newspaper.

It seems there was a burglary in Beverly Hills last night. Quite brazen, really... The victim was an attorney named Larry Damon.

Mr. Damon happens to be a friend of mine, you see? I do hope he is doing well.

(That's it. That newspaper...)
Music: Monochrome
We can still find Louie in the room.
Music: Easy Feeling

Got a minute?

What? I'm workin', man. Catch me later.
Music: Monochrome
We can't examine anything in this room (the magnifying glass icon doesn't light up).
The newspaper is still right where Martin left it.
Music: Straight Chaser

Let's see what's in the paper today...
The Beverly Hills home of attorney Larry Damon was burglarized last night. Police say that $20,000 and a pistol were taken from a safe in the study. The perpetrators then fled the scene in Damon's car. A police spokesman said they are actively pursuing the case.

(So that's it, huh? The cash from my john is from this robbery.)
Music: Monochrome
Evidence in hand, we go back to confront Jeff.

It's Kyle Hyde.
I'm not talking to you. Go away.

Open up. You asked for proof, I've got proof.
Music: Slow Steps

You're busted, kid. I know what you did in Beverly Hills.


Let me in. One way or another, I'm coming in.

All right, all right. Come in.
We'll save the question for next time. For now, here's some descriptions.
Music: So Noted