Part 74: Chapter 6 Quiz
Music: Play It Again
Louie was working the bar, and doing a damn fine job of it. The next person to stumble into the bar was...



Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

I picked Rosa and Dunning's brains to learn more about the hotel's history. I didn't get much, but what they did spill was pretty interesting. For one, the bar was built for the hotel's ten-year anniversary. Which means that the hotel was built twenty years ago. Also, I got Dunning to talk about when he took over the place. It was...

Six months ago

Three years ago

Five years ago
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

After ransacking the whole place for the bottle, I finally got the label. What kind of wine was she drinking again?

White wine

Rosé wine

Wikipedia posted:
A rosé is a type of wine that incorporates some of the color from the grape skins, but not enough to qualify it as a red wine. It may be the oldest known type of wine, as it is the most straightforward to make with the skin contact method.
There you go, Kyle.
Red wine
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

We got to talking about who she came here with ten years ago. Her companion's name was...



Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

I told Helen, and she spilled her entire life story. I ain't much for sob stories, but I listened as patiently as I could. Helen told me that she left her son to become a...



Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

I know the dark. It's a cover that lets people's bad sides run wild. Envy. Doubt. Grief. ...They all come out at night.
Music: Silent Moon

You know, Kyle might have the talent to become a poet.