Part 99: 11:00 PM
Music: Same as previous updates (Sapu)

This conversation goes exactly the same as before.

If we try to examine the door...
Music: Straight Chaser

Nice pattern recognition. Too bad it's for something that doesn't matter.

So let's talk to him and get our permission!
Music: Easy Feeling

Music: Sapu

We don't actually need the envelope. Actually, if you don't pick it up now you won't be able to pick it up anymore. We still have to talk to Louie before entering his room, though.

You don't need the ballpoint, either. You can't examine the room after Louie enters.

It took me

You can't press the pause button and there's no record button. The stop and rewind button just goes up immediately after pressed. So let's fast forward instead.

Music: Straight Chaser

Music: Drunken Waltz

Hey! Rewinding works just fine! Well not really since it doesn't work, but it doesn't break the tape!

Music: Dream's End

Hyde went into his room and didn't come out until the next morning...

Louie: 6
Jeff: 6
Dunning: 6
Rosa: 5
Martin: 4
Melissa: 2
Iris: 2
Helen: 1
Kevin: 1
Fuck it, I'm going to blame Iris for this one. I didn't blame Kyle since if I put it there it would be something like this:
Kyle: 23
Jeff: 6 (Jeff is a jerk)
Dunning: 2 (I just feel like it)
Louie: 1 (Tattling first time we found him)
Rosa: 1 (Wine label)
Music: Sapu

We have to ask this question and show the tape. The quit button here doesn't work. There's different dialogue if you quit before/after either asking the question or showing the tape. Let's move on to the confrontation.

I don't follow you.

Loop and skip.

You knew, didn't you?

Loop and skip.

Let's talk about the plan.

Grace is here.

Let's talk about the doll.

You wanted to steal it!

Let's talk about Grace.

It's about Kevin.

Music: Countdown

Music: Sunset Men
I went back to Room 215.

Hyde went into his room and didn't come out until the next morning...

Louie: 6
Jeff: 6
Dunning: 6
Rosa: 5
Martin: 4
Iris: 3
Melissa: 2
Helen: 1
Kevin: 1
Get any question wrong and you'll go into this Game Over.