The Let's Play Archive

House of the Dying Sun

by HerpicleOmnicron5

Part 6: Warlord - Finale

Warlord, Finale

The Physician: The Emperor is dead, so the court physician should be as well. Slay LORD MONTRIENN and his CENSORS while he visits a waystataion in KOTH. He likely knows you're coming, and is an excellent marksman.

The Prince: HIGH PRINCE OL is overseeing a transfer of hidden treasury reserves at OUTPOST KARAHDOR. He is also field testing a prototype interceptor, but this may be the only chance we have to catch him. Kill him and his carrier of fanatics, the FNV VENDETTA.

Inferno at Rhal'tuum Prime: They know you're coming, and there's nothing they can do now. Extinguish the light of the throneworld.

Codex - Entries IV and VII