Part 38: In Which Will Is Batman

The portrait on the wall tells the story were in our good buddy Jeweler Gems mansion. Should probably worry a bit more about the ghostly shades swirling around the place.

The enemies are pretty much recolored enemies from the Diamond Mine. Every other instance where you deal with two varieties of an enemy has them in the same dungeon, so you could argue that this is the only real palette swap of the game. The Flayzer 2.0 has about twice as much HP as the first version (20 versus 10), but hasnt gotten any more dangerous.

The whole thing is broken up with walls that require defeat of a specific enemy before theyll disappear. There are no stat increases for clearing rooms in this dungeon, just progress. And, what do we glimpse just to the left?

The Eye Stalker 2.0 has about three times as much HP as the original and has a more damaging bright red eye laser. They also tend to cluster in much larger groups, making it a bit more dangerous to approach them.

They can easily shoot over the walls here, and the layout here pretty much guarantees that youre going to get hit. While youre dodging the Eye Stalkers these guys will pop out in the walls and attack from behind. The Grundit 2.0 has 30 HP, and they also tend to appear in bigger groups. They still have a distance attack, so youre pretty much getting it from all sides.

A couple of herb uses later and it was pretty clear that entering the dungeon with 8 HP probably wasnt the wisest move, so I ended up having to reload a prior save and go through the whole boss rush to make another try at it.

As you can see, this dungeon isnt exactly forgiving at full HP. The good news is that the chest there has another Herb, which is pretty much the last chance to pick one up.

The eventual goal is to end up at this space. Its not exactly clear, but were actually standing in front of a passage that Will can go through using Psycho Slide. Passing through takes us to a short passageway until we reach

And with that were into the optional boss fight. As you can see, 4 HP means that were woefully unprepared, so this is going to be short.

In a situation like this, the best solution is to die and come back with half HP. Its the equivalent of using multiple herbs, and weve got 9 lives and only two fights left.

Solid Arm is pretty much exactly as he was at the beginning of Soul Blazer, down to the arrangement of the conveyor belts and his attacks. He shoots three fireballs that will track, but dont do it very well so theres room to dodge. If you get too close to Solid Arm hell also reach out and start swinging with his arm, and its just as annoying and impossible to get past as before. Will has more HP than Blazer did at this point, but Solid Arm still packs a wallop.
Theres multiple ways to beat him, but the reality is that hes just as predictable as ever. You can use Psycho Slide or Wills base jump attack to damage him without receiving a counter attack, but its also possible to use the conveyor belts to approach and hit him, then fall back and dodge the fireballs. If you dont get close he wont use his arm swing. Most of my damage was from failing to move far enough away and triggering a counter. With a bit more practice this could have been a damage free boss fight.
Solid Arm Boss Fight

And with the secret boss defeated, we return to our regularly scheduled program where we got the chance to go back one last time. The reward for this is simply bragging rights no title, no treasure, no certificate. Were just dumped back at the final dungeon next to the Dark Space, minus a few herbs. Speaking of which

This is truly the point of no return. After this were on a one way trip to the end of the game.

Past the door is a dark void with a guiding spirit, leading us to the final internal room of the tower.

* The suggestion here seems to be that Will is the Dark Knight and Kara is the Light Knight. This is another one of those areas where the translation kind of falls apart.
Next Update: Le Battle Finale