Part 13: Anime Kururugi Is a Bad Party Guest

And we're back! Gonna be a short one this time.

Oh, Miroku's fine, I guess.

Yurihime: Please, I'm so lonely. Comfort me?


Yurihime: Oh, Miroku!


Yurihime: I've got him now.

Sango, settle down!

We gave them some nice alcohol.

With cirrhosis!
Yurihime: Why, you...

Sango just smacked into some kinda barrier like a bird.
Oboro: You're wasting your time trying to save the monk. He's in a trance right now. You can't do anything, because this place is protected by a barrier.

I love this line, it's very good.
Oboro: Now give me your power.

If Miroku knows one thing, it's how to get up.

Oboro: It can't be!

Now we can beat her the hell up!

Let's beat her the hell up!

The only notable thing about this fight is that I start using co-op techs. Co-ops require two energy costs and two turns to use, but they deal massive damage, so they're pretty much entirely the territory of bosses. They also have little animated cutscenes which is neat.

Anyway, we beat her the hell up.

Not particularly!

That was apparent.


After this is done, we can just....pretend Miroku doesn't exist.

Stop enabling him.

Yeah, boys are weird. Girls are a lot better.

Next time, we get a good rest and head for the castle.