Part 14: Anime Kururugi Wonders Why Demons Are in the Castle

Back at it again in Tsuzumi Village.

The demon that has ruined most of our lives and holds the secret to my presence here is still at large and we still know exactly where he is, but yeah, let's take another break.

Time for Sango to go to another Anime club meeting.

Yeah, it's not like you'd ever know. Also yeah, since we've been spending so much time with Sango, people are gonna keep out of their own fuckin' lane about it.

Yet another time where we explicitly plan to spend the day with Sango and it turns out she's ditched us for a while.

And Kirara just kinda....glides away.

Oh hey Sango.

I thought we were going to spend the day together! >

She....didn't? Sango wasn't here at first. Anime, please.

We're all quite aware. I think Kohaku has like one more appearance in this game before it's over.

Anime gained a stronger friendship with Sango.
No other scene this time.

Damn right, let's go!

The pass goes by without incident. We're finally here!


Das what I wanna know.

No? It's bright and sunny and we can see a big crowd of people right here.

So this, along with some lines a few hours later, imply that some serious time compression is going on with the roads between towns and they actually take some time to go through, which makes sense for how big the world map looks, but keep it under your hat for a little bit later.
I have words.

I dunno, dude, she's the one who brought it up.
Also he sniffs her, rude.

Times three.

So now let's get into Castle Town proper. The first thing you see is these two stores that'll say they're each cheaper than the other and ask you to get in line. Each of them has slightly different wares and we've got money burning a hole, so I buy a few healing items.

The inn is always a good place to find information, and hey, whaddaya know. Also this is just how it starts, we didn't say anything.
Shino: Everyone! These guys want to go to the castle!

Three more women come out and isn't that one from Akebi Village way in the beginning?
Actually, thinking about something that happens later, it might be. Except the names don't match, but this game's not too concerned with consistency.
Naka: Is that true?

Shino: We're the wives of the Samurai. Our husbands went into the castle, but they haven't returned yet.
Which samurai? Y'know, the Samurai. All four of 'em.
Katsue: We haven't seen our husbands in months.
Matsu: We really miss them.

Shino: Yes. We just got together to discuss how we can possibly get some food to our husbands.
It's been months, you said. They are probably dead.
I'm just gonna say here, not a whole lot about the whole castle episode seems really thought out.

Katsue: And this rice ball too.
Naka: Thank you.

Two whole rice balls, you must have really shed a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make two rice balls for your four husbands who you suspect have been without food for months. Except we only got one?

Man: I got this picture-card story from a traveling salesman who got injured on Asagiri Island. But...they keep repeating this part of the story. And the art work isn't very good either.
Oooh, kamishibai! I hope he has Ougon Bat!
So yeah, let's get educational for a bit. Kamishibai is a form of Japanese storytelling/street theater, where a narrator would tell stories accompanied by a series of picture cards, like a live storybook. During the peak of its popularity in the 1930s to post-WWII, kamishibai storytellers would travel from town to town, setting up shop and telling stories and giving the kids candy, hooray. Ougon Bat is a popular kamishibai character from the early 1930s who was actually the first superhero, predating Superman by 7 years! Wow! A modern, if atypical, example of kamishibai is the kinectic kamishibai performed by the animator duo AC-Bu and most well known for the Hellshake Yano sketch from Pop Team Epic
While kamishibai has its origins in various forms of storytelling dating back to the eighth century, there really was nothing like what's shown here during the Sengoku period, so that's weird.
Man: Anyway, he's really big! In the day time, you can't see the sun. At night, you can't see the stars.
Sounds nice. Too bad we're not planning on going there anytime soon.

Thaaaaat's capitalism.

Alright, let's get to the castle.

God dammit.

Chuzo: This is the road that goes to the castle.

Shinbei: You guys are up to something. This is a restricted area.

And this guy just walks past!

Chuzo: Those people are here to pay their taxes, so they're allowed.
Hey, it's simpler than using TurboTax.

Well, that was a bust. Let's find more info.

Here's a dude in an alley that you gotta kinda finangle your way into because game design.

And here's a localization decision that I thought was questionable even when I was 14. It's the Sengoku period and the world map is clearly not all of Japan, so we're probably dealin' with a daimyo here. While "king" may not be an entirely inaccurate way to translate it, it brings to mind specifically western concepts of monarchy that have no place here. I would have probably said something more like "Lord," which would have at least fit with the feudalistic nature of Japan during this time.

Nizaemon: The look in his eyes, he swears, he's violent, and if he doesn't like you, he kills you on the spot. He's gone as far as kicking me, his chief counselor, out.

Nizaemon: He's acting like he's possessed by a demon.

Nizaemon: I don't know about your situation, but rumour has it that the king has been possesed by a demon. If it continues this way, this castle with its long history will be ruined. And our king will be lost!
That's literally what you just said.

So, uh....I dunno what the fuck this whole conversation is about. Like, I guess it's supposed to be like...Naraku's presence has corrupted the daimyo or he's just been possessed, but...we never actually see the daimyo in the game and it's never really explained how or why Naraku is even in the castle. I'll talk about it closer to the game, but I have my own theory that there was a first draft of this game that was almost a completely different story before being changed to a whistle-stop tour of Inuyasha's greatest hits, and this castle scenario is where it kinda didn't transition well.

Walking around shows us this pretty nice shot. This game can look nice when it wants to.

Anyway, let's talk to this child I missed the first time.

Jiro: Can you take this pinwheel to my sister, who works in the castle? I made it for her.

Don't patronize him.
Jiro: No! My sister's the one that misses me. She cries 'cuz she can't see me. So tell her to hang in there for me.

Jiro: My sister is called Toki. Make sure you give it to her, okay?
This game is unsure of what Toki's actual name is. Anyway, for no real reason, let's head back to the inn.

Oh hey it's the idiot who put me in jail.

You'd think one would be more concerned. But this is the Headman, after all.


Are we really doing this?

We're doing this I guess.


The screen fades to black as if somebody was giving a long explanation of something, but it seems like maybe one line was cut.

"You'll go into the castle with me?"
"Yeah, but take us into the castle in reutrn."
These are the same thing, Anime. But good job taking advantage of a rich idiot.

I don't think this smug face is used anywhere else.
Shinbei: What? The scoundrels are here! Guards! Huh?

Shinbei: Oh, it's the headman of Kasasagi Town.

Shinbei: Hmmm...

Chuzo: Huh. You can go through.

Alright, we're almost at the castle!


I give up.

Expecting this one trash mob?

And now he's basically gone from the game.

We attack him twice and he goes down.


Next time, HELL.