Part 33: Anime Kururugi Leaves Another World, Part 2

Grandpa, we need to talk.

Kakuju asks us to take him to Kururugi Village and that time is of the essence but it's gonna take like a week, right? The game is inconsistent about travel times sometimes.

Also it doesn't even have you do the world map, it just takes you there.

Kakuju's old, so we gotta take it easy.

Well that's good.



This is the second to last fight in the entire game, folks.

And this is what we look like going into the endgame.

Yeah, this sounds like the remnants of a possible planned original plot that could have been explored in the entire game and not sidelined into the last hour while the rest of the game was a boring safe Disney World ride through the IP, and that's not likely!

Then why did you make a huge one.

Good question, Inuyasha. Let me ask Kikyo.

Would have been nice to see all this and not just have it barfed up.

So Kakuju went traveling to try to find her and apologize. Unfortunately, Utsugi got the idea to infuse a relative's soul into herself to be a real girl. This involved calling us from the future somehow and for some reason. This is also why she needed the Shikon Jewel. This is...presumably why she was working with Naraku?

Think there's another word you coulda used there?
So Kakuju touches our face against CDC recommendations, says we do in fact have Utsugi's face, and dies.

With a new goal, we have to move forward.
Well, actually, forward will get us back to Kururugi Village.

We have to go to the next screen, then go back to get back to the world map and the final area.

But that won't make you any more of a character!

Damn, I'm dead.

Oh, I'm okay.

Not that guy again!


SO APPARENTLY. Naraku LET us kill him so he could get Utsugi's power. Okay. Makese sense.

The final boss is Naraku again. You know, for being the big original antagonist of the game, we never actually fought Utsugi in a legitimate fight. Just a couple unwinnable battles. It just seems weird that they'd design these original characters, even going so far as to design two versions of each, and then just doing nothing with them. And it makes me sad, the story of Utsugi, Kakuju, and whatever cursed mask could have been an interesting story. But I guess it's not safe enough. What could have been.

Oh also this boss fight can actually be a bit tricky. Just keep at it, your biggest enemy is the tedium of how much HP he has.

Also my literal final significant input into the game is the co-op attack where Miroku touches Sango's butt and she gets so mad she tosses her boomerang real hard.

Seeya bitch.

We all get a little word in but..

After a little hemming and hawing from Anime...

We let her go.

And as she dies, we're enveloped in light.


So if you had a romance, there'd be a little extra between you and yours and a declaration of love during the wipe, but not for friends.

Ending Movie
I already transcribed all this shit in the subtitles so I'm not gonna be exact here.

We're home!

We're really home!

This little girl asks if we're okay. We are, I think.

The Doll Festival of Wishes, right...that symbol...

The Shikigami!

The festival was started to honor Utsugi and Kakuju this whole time.

Well, RIP.


Wait, Sango?

...As if.

Wonder how she's doing?

And so is the LP! Thank you everybody for following me through this dang ol' year and a half journey. I've wanted to LP this game for quite a while, and I'm finally glad to actually finish an LP again.
So this game, as I said, has been a long-standing guilty pleasure for me, but having to revisit the footage with a fine-toothed comb for the LP has definitely taken some of the sheen off. The inane writing is fine when I can just skip through it, but when I have to actually write every word down, yeesh. It's still a gem of my younger days that I hold in my heart. I just might....not come back to it again for a while.
As for what's next, work has already started on the next project, but it'll be a few months before I'm ready to start it. But rest assured, I will be back.

Maybe someday but not today.