Part 14: Forest
Chapter 13: Forest

Welcome back, children! Last time we met I finally finished the lead up to our next mission. We also managed to at least briefly get rid of certain people who might come back if you say their name, so don't mention them.

Thank me.


What? An overlord sure shouldn't be thanking God!

Still, it's a bit much.

Less blasphemy, more letting me talk.

We headed down to Meuniere Forest to investigate the attack.

I don't mean to complain, but why is it that demon hunters are going after a monster?
Monsters are big and scary, and they may be confused with demons, but they're just animals.

I realize that. But when they start hurting people, it's a different matter.
We have a duty to protect all of the Goddess' children.
It says so in the Holy Book.

Hmm... I guess so.

Croix... You have amnesia, right?


But you seem to remember a lot about monsters and stuff.

I know it's strange, but I can remember everything, except for my own past.
Two years ago I woke up in a cave.
I didn't know why I was there, or what I had been doing. I couldn't remember a thing.

You're the same as me, then.
Father Salade found me two years ago with no memory of my past.

You too? Wow, that's a coincidence.
Is amnesia going around these days or something?

You can't catch amnesia like you catch a cold, silly.

The reason I'm working as a demon hunter is that I thought it might give me some clue to my past.

In that case, wouldn't it be better to keep working on your own?
Besides, you can't make much working with us.

I didn't join for the money.
I joined because of you.


N-no, that's not what I meant.
Do you remember when we first met?


Yes. When I saw your face, it reminded me of someone else's.

(Great, another woman...)

I don't know who she is.
But I'm sure that she has some connection to my past.
I can't explain it, but I think she might be the key to recovering my lost memory.
So if I can be close to you...

You might remember something about that girl. Which might help you get your memory back.
Isn't that it?


...That girl... is she pretty?

What? Well, yes...

She looks like me?

Sort of... In a way.

You thought of another woman the moment we met...
But... ok! I'll be glad to help.
After all, you saved Culotte's life.

Thanks! I appreciate it.

I think so.
Let's get going. In the name of the Maiden of Light...

So we went into the forest to track down the source of the noise.

But before we found the monster, we stumbled upon something... peculiar.

A crying mushroom?!

That IS peculiar.


It seems to be hurt.
Can you understand us?

I understand.

How did you get hurt?

A bad human hurt me!

A bad human?

Show me your wound and I'll treat it.

No, I'll be ok.
If I lick it a little, it'll be just fine.
But I've lost something very important!

Yea? Like what?

Oh, the poor thing...

Oh great, now we get to hear the long winded story of you saved a mushroom man.

It's not like we went out of our way to do it. We just decided to keep an eye out for anything that looked like it might be the essence, and it turned out to be a good thing we did. But that's for next time, because what we actually did next was head deeper into the woods.

I've never seen a monster that big before.

Hey, it's getting away!


What's wrong?

Those people being treated at the church infirmary said they were just taking a walk?


That's a lie. They weren't on any walk.

What do you mean?

That monster was wounded.
Those wounds were inflicted by professional hunters.

You know the weapon they used.

Yeah, it's not exactly something you'd just happen to take with you on a stroll.
They must have entered the forest in order to hunt that monster.

Wait. Where do you think you're going?
Our job here isn't finished. Let's get after that monster.

What? I told you, the hunters were the bad ones.

Even so, injuring the Goddess' children is a sin.
It is written in the Holy Book.
In the name of the Holy Maiden, we must punish that monster.

But why?! The monster didn't do anything wrong!
He was just protecting himself from the hunters!
And besides, monsters are different from demons! They're alive, just like you and me!
Should we do something that we know is wrong, just because it's written in the Holy Book?!
Is everything in the Holy Book right all the time? How can you be so sure?!

How dare you?!
Sister Prier! Are you denying the truth of the Goddess Poitreene's teachings?

I-I didn't mean that...
I just don't' think that we should just assume everything in the Holy Book is right!

What gives you the right to talk to me like that?!
Who do you think you are?!
You just want to become the Maiden yourself!!

I have no such wish.
I only want to do my duty.
And you should do the same.

Now now you two, fighting won't get us anywhere. OK?

Y-yeah! Let's be friends! OK? OK?

...Very well, Sister Prier. Try things your way.
We'll just have to see which is correct...
You, or the Holy Book.

Sanctimonious bitch. Of course, some of that conversation was painful to remember, just because of how wrong we all were. She about the situation, and me about her. If any of us had really known what it entailed to be the Maiden, we'd have never wished the job on our worst enemy...

Anyway, we stumbled upon an odd house in the woods.

What does that have to do with anything?

Maybe nothing. Maybe... everything?

It's nothing, right?

Perhaps... or perhaps not?

Are you going to keep doing that?

Maybe... or maybe not?

Aren't we out of time yet?

Perhaps... or perhaps not? Oh, I'm sorry, we actually are. I'll have to continue this riveting tale of lies, deception, and mushrooms next time. Until then, children!