Part 15: Secret
Chapter 14: Secret

Welcome back, children. What were we talking about last time?

You ran into a creepy mushroom guy and Alouette was a bitch.

Ah yes. I remember now.

And you're going to continue the important part of this story and never mention the mushroom guy again, right? Because it would be really lame if you went through a lot of effort to help the mushroom guy.

Laharl! That's not very nice.

You're in luck. We didn't go through a lot of effort to help him. But we did help the little guy, and got something useful in return.

Nearby we managed to find the mushroom essence.

There was something else there, though. The sort of horror that clings to one until their dying days...

Awww. A cat!
Who'd have thought a cat would be in a place like this?
Aren't you cute... Are you lost?


Oh, not a furry!

It was years before he got over the unexpected encounter with the thing.

P-P-Prier! I just saw a t-t-talking c-c-cat!

Hm? What're you talking about? You hit your head or something?

I'm f-fine. Saner than you, anyway...

Oh come on. We don't have time for this kind of nonsense.

But I really saw it...!

If only we knew then that this was foreshadowing the true horror soon to come...
Anyway, we went to return the mushroom essence.

You found it! My mushroom essence! You found it for me!
Thank you so much! I guess there are good humans after all!

I'm so disappointed...


You've got a real heart of gold, Priere.

Hey. You try living on a Sister's salary.

You know, a reward!

Prier... We are servants of the Goddess and all...

That has nothing to do with it!
If you help someone, they should give you a reward!!
People do it, why can't giant mushrooms?!

T-that's true, but...

Is your sister always like that?

Oh dear... I'm afraid I don't have anything to give you.
Wait! I know! I can give you some good information!

Information? I'd really prefer cash...

Shh... Be quiet and listen.

Well, I hope to see you again sometime!
My name is Elizabeth!
I live in home of the Eringas, Eringa Valley.

Are you telling me there's MORE of these mushroom freaks?

Oh boy are there. You're really going to hate some of the upcoming stuff if you're not comfortable with talking mushrooms.

This bites.

We decided to head back and consult with Father Salade.

We went back to the infirmary to see if he'd found out anything new.

These people were acting a little suspicious so I decided to have a chat with them.
They told me something very interesting...
They are hunters, hired by the Church of the Divine Mother.
They had been told that they'd get a big reward if they killed the Forest Lord.
I don't know why anyone would want him dead, but you can bet that they were up to no good.
We've got to put a stop to their plans.
In the name of the Maiden of Light...
May the Goddess Poitreene watch over you.

In the name of the Maiden of Light.

The Church of the Divine Mother was behind the whole thing. We were all worried that with the hunters foiled they might take matters into their own hands, and rushed back to the forest.

Then what happened?

Then I ran out of time and left you in suspense.


Next time, our confrontation with the minions of darkness. You won't want to miss it!