Part 16: Miracles
Chapter 15: Miracles

Welcome back, children. Last time I believe I was about to get to how I saved the forest for all the cute, fuzzy animals...

Now, see here!

Excuse me, who the hell are you?

Why, I'm Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth!

What he means to say is that he's Gordon, Slayer of the Netherworld.

Hey, I never actually agreed to that title! And I have a serious matter to discuss. While you all have been having your little picnics out here telling stories, a crazy ghost has been wreaking havoc back at the castle!

I wondered how long it would take you to figure out we sent her there.


I don't think he had that figured out yet Etna.



We're at our wit's end! When we couldn't shut her up we had Thursday use his Paradox Circuits to trap her in a conversation loop, but Jennifer calculates she'll get bored within a few days.

I still don't see how this is our problem.

We're Defenders of Earth, not some kind of busters of ghosts! This isn't in our area of expertise!

Oh, I feel so bad. It's all our fault she's here. How about this: I'll go back to the castle and see if I can get Lujei to leave.

I've always felt you too possessed the true Defender Spirit.

Um, are you coming, Gordon?

Well, if you go how will you find out what you missed in the story? I'll, um, stay here so I can fill you in after.


Wow, what a chicken, sending a little girl to do your job.


I don't see either of you rushing to go after her to help.


Can we finish this discussion of you guys' puking cowardice later? I'm trying to tell you all why I'm so awesome.

We could hear the Forest Lord just ahead, but first we had to sweep through some miserable little wretches in our way.

Just as a note, the 3x3 square of enemies here makes this a decent if not great leveling map. The more you know...

Did any of you just hear something?


Must just be me. Well, anyway, we burst into the clearing ahead...

La Pucelle, eh? You're too late.

You're from the Church of the Divine Mother! What are you up to?

I don't have to answer that... Because you are all about to die!

The cloaked man turned into a demon similar to the one Alan had become. His minions were more powerful than Alan's had been, but as before the key was simply to slay enough of them to get a clean shot at him then smash the demon's smug face in.

I'm going to be honest, here. There's almost no strategy in 90% of La Pucelle fights. If and when I come upon a fight that requires more than 'go in and beat the crap out of them' I'll give a better explanation.

The demon was defeated, but...

Master Noir... We will... realize our utopia...!

So demons were behind this too...

Could the Church of the Divine Mother be in league with demons?

There's still time to save him!
In the name of the Holy Maiden! Oh Goddess Poitreene! Please heal this creature's wounds!

No! One more time!
In the name of the Holy Maiden! Heal this creature's wounds!

Prier, his wounds are too great.

Shut up!
That mushroom said that if the Forest Lord died, the monsters in the forest would turn violent!
If that happens, many people will die!
And then everyone will start to hate monsters!
I can't give up! I've got to save him somehow!!

It's not surprising that she's feeling weak, after using a miracle like that.
That's a big risk to take. A miracle like that can kill you.

Kill you?!

But why...?! Why would you go so far to help him?

It was my fault he was wounded. It was the least I could do.

Clearly the spirit of a true hero burned brightly in this Alouette.

Did I say you could talk?

Don't say that!! The forest is safe now! That's what's important!
We've got to keep moving forward.

You're right, Culotte.
Two years ago, I was found clutching a copy of the Holy Book, having lost my memory.
Ever since then, the Holy Book has been the only thing I could really believe in.
The teachings of the Goddess were the only things I could rely on.
When you denied the truth of the Holy Book, it was like you were denying me, too...
Not everything in the Holy Book is correct.
I knew it, but I didn't have anything else to believe in...
Maybe I was just jealous of how you always do what you think is right...
Please forgive me, Sister Prier.

T-that's just the way I am. I do things without thinking...
And I always say what I feel. But I know that I'm not always right.
I just have to follow my gut so I don't regret it later.
You don't have to apologize.

I admire your openness and honesty, Sister Prier.

Just Prier. Please call me Prier from now on.

I will. And you can call me Alouette.

OK. Thanks.

Whew! That was pretty close! I thought they were going to kill each other for a minute...
I hope they've worked that out of their systems...

Boy, that was scary...
I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever understand women...

What about those clothes?
Aloutte: A Sister in the service of the Goddess should wear something more modest...

But Father Salade picked these out! And you're wearing a micro-mini under your robe!

Father Salade said it would be easier to move in, so...

A sudden revelation hit us.

I would not want to be that guy here in a sec.

...Who would have thought the old guy would be interested in that kind of thing?


Father Salade?!

Er... In any case, this connection between the Church of the Divine Mother and demons worries me.
A-Aren't you worried about it? Hey - why are you staring at me like that...?!

So, what did you do to him? Give me all the gory details!

There were words exchanged. And fists. And a few kicks. Some to vulnerable portions of the body.

Now that's not ladylike.

I'm sorry, did I just hear you volunteer for a demonstration?

Hey! What are you doing?! No, not there! Aaaaargh!
Vision... blurry... can't... move... speaking... slowly...

Oh, just pass out already.

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

It's been said. Anyway, that's it for today, next time I'll tell you about the small problem that faced us after our victory. Until next time!