Part 17: Disbelief
Chapter 16: Disbelief

Welcome back, children. Today I'll tell of how our next adventure began.

Flonne's been gone a while. We really should have gone and checked on her instead of just going back to the hotel Prince.

I'm not going back there while that loony ghost is there.

Poor loony ghost, they're talking about you back here behind your back...


H-hey, Lujei. What, um, brings you back here?

Flonney-wonney said Lujei should leave the Castle because they needed to get some sleep. Lujei was sad and decided to see her friend Priere. But now all of you are here and Lujei is happy!

I've got a good game, Lujei.


It's called the quiet game. Want to play?

How does Lujei play it?

You just try to be quiet as long as you can.

Yay! A game! Lujei will win for sure!

Why don't all of you play the damn quiet game so I can finish.

A giant monster!?

Ha! You lose the quiet game!
Oh no, Lujei loses the quiet game, too! You poo-poo head, you made Lujei talk.

It's okay, just ignore him Lujei. And yes, Culotte said he saw a giant monster...

It's true! I saw it!

Hey, you don't have to get so defensive. Nobody thinks you're lying...
It was probably just a tree outside your window or something. Pffft...

Or maybe you were dreaming, Culotte.
When I was a boy, all I thought about was fighting monsters and saving the princess!

It wasn't a dream!
Sister Alouette!
You believe me, right Sister Alouette?!

I think you believe what you're saying.
But everyone makes mistakes...

How could you?! Not even Sister Alouette believes me!!

I can't get through...
She said Sister Julienne, right?

Sister Julienne is stationed at Mayonnaise Harbor.

Mayonnaise harbor, eh...?

She said something about an unidentified creature! You heard her!
She must be talking about the creature I saw! I'm going to go check it out!

Wait, Culotte.
You can't go alone.

Sister Alouette...
Aloutte: Father Salade, may we go?

By all means.
In the name of the Maiden of Light.
May the Goddess Poitreene watch over all of you.

Aloutte: In the name of the Maiden of Light.

Little did we know we were headed to our greatest challenge yet.

So there really was a monster?

Well, just think. It would be really convenient if there wasn't one, wouldn't it?

And nothing convenient ever seems to happen to any of us.


Convenient things happen to Lujei. Once Lujei was bored. But then there was a puppy! It was fun to play with, but then it broke...

That's just... horrible...

I know, it ruined all the fun.

It's about time to call it a day for storytelling when the conversation's turned to puppy death. Next time I'll tell you about my triumph over both giant monsters and sissies who want to run away. It's not to be missed!