Part 18: Monster
Chapter 17: Monster

Welcome back, children. Today, I'm going to further reinforce why I'm always right and Alouette's always wrong.

More importantly, where's that ghost gotten off to? The only thing worse than having her here is not knowing where she is.

She came back to the castle. Jennifer convinced her we were playing hide and seek and had her go hide, so I came back.

Why didn't I think of that?

Because you're an idiot.

This is straying far from a discussion of how I'm awesome, and this annoys me. Back on topic, people. We decided to head to Mayonnaise Harbor to check out the reports of a monster and prove Culotte was retarded.

Told you, no way there'd be a monster.

That can't be! It must be hiding somewhere!

Hey, have you noticed?

Oh Yea...
It's too quiet. There aren't any people or birds anywhere...
Sister Julienne must have evacuated everyone.

Which means...

That there's something here after all...

I don't believe it...

See Prier! Just like I said!
It wasn't a dream! There really is a monster!

This is no time to celebrate!
Ack! It's coming this way!!
W-what'll we do? How're we supposed to fight something like that?!?!

This pea-shooter won't be of much help, that's for sure.
Sister Alouette, I think we'd better retreat.

You may be right.
But if we don't do something, the creature will destroy the entire town.
Let's try and get it to go towards Mt. Tarte. There aren't any people there.

And then?

Come on!! We'll think of something?
That's a good one! I love it!

(Sister Alouette...)

It's almost here!!

Prier! Culotte! Let's lead that creature up to Mt. Tarte!

I'll admit, Alouette did have a sound plan. I had a much better one, though. I took one good look at that monster and realized that he wasn't so tough.

Really? Because he looks kind of big.

True. But he had nothing on me.

Okay, so here's the deal on this map. You can win by simply getting to that point they show on the map. However, this prevents you getting the Special Ending of the chapter, which gives you a unique item that is most awesome. So how do you beat the monster?

There's no real 'quick way' of doing it. You just need to grind out levels and weapons for Priere and get as many people as you can to level 10 so that you can Braveheart Priere and increase her attack into the stratosphere. One good trick for leveling spells is that you can enter a map, cast, then leave the map, allowing you to repeatedly cast without an enemy turn ever happening. Combine this with a powered up Priere killing, say, a gremlin within attack-move distance of the Base Panel and you can get some good leveling in.

With five bravehearts (recasting twice each turn to ensure max attack power) and a powered up Priere you can drop the Monster with little difficulty. Priere will gain a ton of levels from defeating the Monster, making the rest of the chapter a complete joke.

Because I'm so awesome, I didn't so much 'lead' it to Mount Tarte as 'chase' it there.

It still ended up there, though?

That doesn't really make much sense. If you beat the monster, why was it still a problem?

We'd have never caught the end of it if we killed a giant whale monster in the harbor. It's one of those things you NEVER get the smell out from.

Fair enough.

Little did we know that we were soon to meet possibly the most ridiculous person I've ever seen. But that is a tale for next time. Until then, comrades!