Part 2: Beginnings
Chapter 1: Beginnings

So children, where were we?

Hey, I'm an Overlord! Show some respect!

Now, now, I'm sure she doesn't mean any disrespect Laharl.

Some of us actually want to hear this, Prince.

As entertaining as it is to listen to you all bicker, may I continue? Now, where was I? Ah, yes, I had just finished telling you all the Legend of the Maiden of Light.

Once, long ago, my dream was to become the Maiden of Light. My brother and I were raised by the church of the Goddess Poitreene. When we were old enough we enlisted in La Pucelle, an organization tasked with hunting down the demons threatening the world.

I still remember those times as though they happened yesterday. I was outside the church with my brother, Culotte, and Sister Alouette.

This is my brother, Culotte. We didn't always get along, but I swore to keep him safe.

This is Sister Alouette. She always used to act like she knew everything, despite not even remembering her own past.

As usual, Culotte was being annoying and Alouette preachy and superior.

What if my clothes get dirty? They were just washed!

Stop talking like that! Father Salade is right.
We're new at this, so we've got to start small and then move on to tougher enemies.
Remember, two days in a row you let a ghost get away because you wandered off on your own.
Besides, I'm the one who has to do all the laundry!!
Can you just stop complaining for a while?

You're still a novice demon hunter. Try not to forget that.
And remember, we're servants of the Holy Goddess...
I forbid you to ever call those lost souls "wimps" ever again.

Ugh... Here we go again...

Hold on, if this is your story, why does it have asides from other people?

Maybe she interviewed everyone involved some time after the fact?

Maybe I did.

But, that doesn't even make any sense.

Neither did half the stuff we were involved in last game. Just shut up and sit down.

Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, Culotte was talking about me...

We've been in the Church longer, but she's much more advanced.
She not only teaches us demon hunting, but also manners and etiquette.
She has no memory of her past. As for Prier, her language gets more vulgar every day.

Now you must repent.

OK, OK...
Oh, Holy Goddess Poitreene... Sorry 'bout that! There, I'm done.

Sister Prier! You need to take this more seriously!

OK OK! (This is such a pain...)
Oh Holy Goddess! Please see fit to punish me, your unworthy servant!

I didn't do anything...
I think your prayer reached the Goddess after all...

(Why you...
Watch it, Prier.
You want to be the next Maiden of Light, right? Don't waste your time with this nonsense!
Just stay cool and focus on the important stuff!)

Very well. We should get started.
Culotte, what is the foundation of any investigation?

Um... The foundation is collecting information, Sister Alouette.

Well done, Culotte, as usual. Very good.

Hey, are you blushing?

W-Who? Me?

Come on, you two. Let's go help some lost souls.

If only I knew what we were getting into then, maybe this all could have turned out differently...
Sadly children, that's all the time we have for today. Next time, I'll tell you all about Pot au Feu city in the kingdom of Paprika, my home town.

Don't miss it, if I have to sit here and listen to this I'll be damned if it's alone.