Part 23: ...Gone Tomorrow.
Chapter 22: ...Gone Tomorrow.

Welcome back, children. Today our story should be much more lucid.

Why's that?

Lujei said she had lunch with another ghost.


Yeah. Said something about dreamy French accents and then wandered away.

French accent...

You don't think...

Nah, couldn't be.

Anyway, last time we got to Barsom being a stubborn bastard. Today, we resolve this trouble.

We decided to see if Suzanne would talk to Barsom about the problem.

...So what are you saying? Barsom's hair growth tonic is creating those creatures?

I'm afraid so.

I guess I should have known. A bald man doesn't suddenly start growing hair like that.
With hair, he's pretty handsome, so I figured it would be OK to go out with him.
But it's over now. I'm going to dump him.

Hey! That's pretty cold!!

I don't go out with nasty looking men. I mean, cute is better than ugly, you know?

Why you...!!

What? Do you have a problem?!

Listen here, you!! Barsom is only using that tonic because he likes you.
You know the difference between you and the furry monsters taking over the forest?
At least the monster are warm. Barsom is trying so that you'll like him.
Show a little kindness!

...I understand.
Barsom is a good person. ...I think.
And he loves me more than anyone. ...I think.
And I don't dislike him. ...I think.
But I'd still rather go out with somebody handsome.

The kind of beauty you're talking about is just skin-deep!!
You've got to judge people on what's inside!

Shut your mouth! What do you know?!

This is a problem. I had hoped that she might convince Barsom not to use the tonic...
What's wrong? Hello?!


You really got rocked by that selfish bitch.

That's the problem with being the good guy. You can never give the proper response to burns from the enemy.

Anyway, we decided to head back to Barsom's and put an end to this once and for all.

When we got there, things were already in progress...

I'm so grateful! I don't know how to thank you!!

No thanks are necessary. The Church of the Divine Mother always helps those in need.

What a crock!

The Church of the Holy Maiden!

That's right!!
Preying on the weaknesses of others! I won't stand for it!
In the name of the Maiden of Light, you will be punished!!

Don't make me laugh! What do you know?!
We are on a grand mission! A sacred mission to create our Dark Utopia!!
Dark energy is necessary to achieve our goal!! And yes, some sacrifices must be made!!
That's right! This is a holy war!

A holy war...? Hey, by sacrifices, you didn't mean me by any chance...? What's going on here, anyway...?

Oh Barsom!!

What are you looking at?! You think you can defeat me?!

The demon, Belial, was much stronger than the gargoyles we'd been facing. What's more, Suzanne and Barsom were in harm's way. We had to move fast to defeat Belial and banish the fur monsters before the civilians were hurt.

Why does the demon look like a lobster man?

I always figured he was last in line when they handed out awesome demon gimmicks. Anyway, we pounded his face in double-time.
Belial: I'll take you all with me!!
Belial: B-but why?!?! I'm doing this for yoooooooooooouuuuu!!!

Please accept my apologies.
I am Noir, the head of the Church of the Divine Mother. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

Why did you stop him?
Wouldn't it be better for you if he had burned the forest to a crisp, and us with it?

Only a barbarian would burn down a beautiful forest like this.

Some talk, coming from you!!

There seems to have been some kind of misunderstanding. Random destruction is not our goal.
We merely want a place that we can call home.

You mean your Utopia?

Utopia?! Ha! What kind of Utopia requires the deaths of so many innocent people?!

I don't expect you to understand. We are polar opposites after all.
But remember one thing: we have our own system of right and wrong, just as you do.

Quite a mouth, boy. I think you need to learn some manners and I'm gonna be your teacher.

I can kill you at any time, if you get in my way, or if I just feel like it.
For now, you should thank your Goddess that I'm letting you live.

What is it about 'villains' and letting heroes live? I mean, I'd never do that. I'd have just killed you guys.

Laharl! No you wouldn't have!

I sure would have.

Etna! ...On second thought, that's about right from you Etna.

Hey, don't ask me, it's awful convenient when you're on the receiving end, though.

Now Culotte... You mustn't judge people by their appearance.
Just now, when he banished that demon...
He was holding back, but he still has the power of a demonic lord.
If he were to use all of his power...

Hmph! He's nothing to be afraid of!!
The next time I see him, I'll wipe the floor with his face!!

M-my hair! My precious hair!!

When the demon died, the tonic must have stopped working...



Why did you save me?
I was just going out with you for you looks. Didn't you know that?

Yes, but even so... I still loved you!

Why can't you forget the way he looks? Listen to your heart! Believe in your own feelings!

But I'd still rather have someone attractive...

Hey, give it a rest!!
He risked his life to protect you. Don't you realize that?
What could be more attractive than that?!
When I look at Barsom, I see a shining star! Yes, he shines brighter than anybody!!
If you can't understand that, then you don't deserve him!

I appreciate your support and all, but do you think you could avoid words like "shine"?
I'm a little sensitive...

Oh... sorry.

Barsom... Why do you love me?

Your heart is beautiful, Suzanne. Nobody else seems to be able to see it, but you're very kind.
I know you come to the forest every day to help injured animals.
I guess it's natural to judge people on their appearance.
I understand why you wouldn't like someone like me.

Barsom, I've always judged men by their appearance.
It's hard for me to understand how someone could consider you attractive.

You still don't get it?!

I'm not finished!
So I want you to teach me. Teach me what a truly attractive man is like.

Yes. Yes!!

All right! That's a relief.

Who knows?
Remember, I've got amnesia.

Oh yeah...

What bout you, Alouette?

M-me? I'm the same as you. I don't know...

(Sister Alouette is so pretty...)

(Love... Love, huh...?
I wonder what it feels like to be in love...?
I guess it's different from how I feel about Culotte...
And different from how I feel about Father Salade and Alouette...
And Croix...
I've only just met Croix, but he seems very nice...
Cheerful, dependable...
And... handsome too...
But is that love?
I just don't know.)

Blech. If I wanted a monologue on love I'd have started a conversation with Flonne.


Don't make me come over there.

N-nothing! Nothing at all!

What's her problem?

(Suddenly seeing Croix's face must have really scared me... My heart's racing...
My heart's... racing?
Why is that?
Just because he startled me?

(What's wrong with Prier? She's acting weird...)

...In any case, the actions of the Church of the Divine Mother are quite worrying.
Father Salade might have been right about the Dark Prince's return being close at hand.

The Dark Prince?
That means I'll become the Maiden of Light soon, too!

Oh, get over yourself!

I was such an idiot back in those days. To think, I actually wanted to be the Maiden of Light...


It's a crap job, really. Which you all will understand soon enough. Anyway, all this storytelling has made me all bitter and angry, I'm going to go beat up some Prinnies. Next time I'll begin the next exciting chapter of our story.