Part 24: Darkness
Chapter 23: Darkness

Welcome back, children! Once again it's time for you to be riveted to your seats by my epic tale.

It's quiet. Too quiet...

Yeah. Why do I get the sudden feeling of impending doom?



You've got to be kidding me.

Damn you old man!

Now, that's no way to talk to moi. I am, after all, your eternal rival.

How the hell did you find us?

Ah, I heard you were here from a charming spectral mademoiselle.

Dammit! Lujei even manages to annoy us while she's not here!
Anyway, Mid-Boss is totally ruining things and you should tell him off, Priere.

No, anyone who pisses you off this much gets to stick around.

Aaahahaha! Once again the Dark Adonis prevails.

Anyway, I'll be starting the next section of the story.

Are you, could it be... The Goddess Poitreene?
Goddess: Alouette... Seek out... Fatima...

Goddess: The Dark Prince... Will be... When you know... he will again...
And the Maiden of Light... Her life... all things... end.

Goddess? Goddess!!

Aren't you going to complain about how ridiculous it is that I can give you precise details on Alouette's dream?



Figured you'd have some lame excuse.

A true gentleman doesn't question the story of a lady.

You guys are no fun.

That might just be a sign from the Goddess herself...

Y-you think so? I think it was just a dream...
Right everybody?

I think it was a sign from the Goddess, too.
You're amazing, Sister Alouette.

(If her dream was really a sign, Alouette is going to be the Maiden of Light...
No. Can't happen.)

The dream may or may not be a sign, but it wouldn't hurt to check out this Fatima, right?

Just a minute, Croix! Whose side are you on?!

I figure at the very least this Fatima place might help Alouette remember her past.

Really? That's it?

That's it.
Why are you so touchy all of a sudden?

I-I'm not touchy...

You don't suppose Croix likes Alouette better than me...?
I must be losing it! What am I saying?)

(Prier's acting kind of weird.
She doesn't like him, does she?)

Father Salade... Do you know of a place called Fatima?

... No never heard of it.


And there could be a connection with the Dark Prince.

Thank you!

OK, Prier?


So we decided to head to the Castle and see if we could use the library. Little did we know what we were getting ourselves in to...

Thank you Your Majesty.
We want to use the castle library to do some research about a certain place.
Crepine: The library?

Yes, if its not to much trouble.
Crepine: I'm afraid that is impossible.
I can't allow outsiders into the library, even at the Church of the Holy Maiden's request.

I'm sorry, Queen Crepine.
Crepine: Eclair...
The royal family leads by example. We will respect the law, even when inconvenient.
When you are queen, you will understand. For now, just obey.


(Poor Eclair...)

With all due respect, Your Majesty, this is very important. It involves the Dark Prince.
Crepine: The Dark Prince!!
But I can't just make an exception...
Crepine: Very well.
The castle is haunted by the Dark Knight. Defeat him and I will grant your request.

The Dark Knight?
Crepine: Eclair and I have never seen him, but people say that a knight in black armor appears at night.
My subjects are quite upset. They're saying it's a curse or an evil spell.
Why, just recently my best cook and gardener quit because they were afraid of the ghost.
Something must be done.

Is it just me or is the queen kind of a bitch.

The latter.

That's what I thought.

Now, now. It is not so easy having responsibility.

You're one to talk.

...No sign of him yet.
Hey Culotte, how did you know about the Queen's problem?

It was simple.
I figured that anyone as important as a queen is bound to have a problem or two.

Is that all? You mean you just guessed?
Hahaha! Good job!

Yes, well done, Culotte.
We owe it all to you.

(Sister A-Alouette...)

Shhh! Here it comes!

I don't know what you're after here, but it's time to find a new gig.

We found ourselves faced with this 'Dark Knight'

In comparison to me, the Dark Knight's power was about as large as her clothing.

We quickly defeated her, only to make a horrifying discovery.

The 'Dark Knight' had been Eclair the entire time!

This may be a hidden part of Eclair's personality.
The darkness in her heart must have grown and grown until it created
another Eclair.
And judging from her behavior earlier today, she doesn't even realize it.

But if the darkness in her heart was able to create something like this...

Yes. If something isn't done, she will turn into a demon.


But if we act now...
If we purify the darkness in her heart now, we may be able to save her.

How do we purify the darkness in her heart?

Everyone, close your eyes and pray to the Goddess...

You got it.

In the name of the Maiden of Light we ask...
Oh Goddess Poitreene...
Lead us into the heart of this child who is so burdened by darkness.

W-where are we...?

In Eclair's heart.

W-w-w-w-whaaaaaaaat?!?! You've gotta be kidding!!!

Now this is really something...

Sister Alouette!

... I'm OK.
I'm just a little out of breath.

Sister Alouette...
Don't take any more risks like that!!

Thank you, Culotte.
But you don't have to worry. I'll be fine.
We must quickly rid Eclair of the darkness that has taken her.

And so we set out to save Eclair. Next time I will tell you of our journey through her soul to defeat the darkness within her.

How extraordinary!

You don't have to pretend to be excited. She knows her story is bor-urk!

Oh my, beauty and brawn. Such a rare combination...