Part 26: The Mediator
Chapter 25: The Mediator

Welcome back, children. It's time once again for me to continue my epic tale.

Hey, is there really going to be a crazy wall dude?


I've noticed this story's been getting stranger and stranger as it goes on.

Yeah, almost as if someone just sort of started slapping stuff together partway through.

Oh, don't be silly.

You mean you don't think this all seems slapped together?

No, I mean that you haven't seen anything yet. So, sit down and pay attention, I don't want to have to repeat myself.

We scoured the library for some information on Fatima.

With all these books, you'd think there'd be something useful!

W-what's going on?!

L-look! The bookcase!

A hidden passageway!
Scared me shiftless. I never would have thought there was a hidden passage here!
Right, you guys?
... What're you all doing over there?!
Culotte I could understand, but Croix? Why are you clinging to Alouette?!
Men today are such jerks! Leaving a fragile, vulnerable woman like me alone!

W-what's Prier's problem?

I think she's upset because she doesn't really understand her own feelings.
Mind's working a little slowly today?

What? What's that supposed to mean?!

What's taking you so long?! If you don't hurry up, I'm gonna leave you all behind!!

And that's when the pumpkin men attacked.

Pardon moi, but did you just say pumpkin men?

You don't know how much I wish I could say that I hadn't.

We continued on, and joy of joys, there were more pumpkins.

But I had a plan for these pumpkins, for among them was the very lord master of all pumpkins. Their king, if you will.

After recruiting the pumpkin king, we proceeded to what seemed at first to be a dead end...

Ouch... What do you think you're doing?!

A crazy...


Dammit, I said that was played out! But yeah, this is the crazy wall dude.

I was expecting an actual talking wall, this is kind of disappointing.

Yeah, well tough crap.

Me? I am called Hermes.
And who are you?

W-we're from the Church of the Holy Maiden. We're here doing

The Church of the Holy Maiden? Never heard of it. Are you

We're Sisters. We serve the Goddess Poitreene and the Maiden of Light.

Hmmm... And what are you "sisters" doing here again?

We've come to find out about a place called Fatima.

I see. Yes, yes...
Yes, I see... So the time has come at last...

What does that mean?

Oh, you'll find out soon enough.
So you want to know about Fatima, eh?

Do you know anything about it?

Of course I do. Don't you know who I am?
I am the Mediator. I stand between Goddess Poitreene and the fallen angel Calamity.
I know everything in this world. Mostly.

You're a mediator?

You might say I'm a watchman. I keep watch over the balance
between light and darkness.

But if you're so important, what are you doing here?

I'm not sure of that myself...

You think we can trust this guy?

We might as well ask him. We don't have any other leads.

I guess you're right. Asking won't hurt.
Will you tell us what you know about Fatima?

I'd be glad to. But it'll cost you.


Of course. What do you expect?
What kind of fool gives out information for free?
What's with you people?

...So what'll it cost us?

I love gems more than anything...
If you bring me a nice gemstone. I'll be glad to tell you what you want
to know.

Figures. I had you pegged for poor people from the moment I saw
Wait just a minute...
Aha! I know!!
I can smell a nice juicy gemstone on Mt. Tarte. Go and get it for me.
Then I'll tell you about Fatima.

Are there gems on Mt. Tarte?

Could be...?

And that's where I'm going to leave off for the day.

It's pretty obvious you can't entirely trust this guy.

What do you mean?

Isn't it obvious? He says he is a mediator between light and darkness, non?

Exactly. He's trying to prevent either side from getting too powerful. So any help he gives is going to, at best, make you even with the enemy.

Entirely correct, but luckily for us we were so far behind the Church of the Divine Mother it was ridiculous. Anyway, come back next time when we steal a giant gem to give to a crazy guy stuck in a wall for no reason and hear the tragic tale of Fatima. Until then!