Part 27: The Legend of Fatima
Chapter 26: The Legend of Fatima

Welcome back, everyone. Today is a very special tale, for this is when our journey to Fatima began.

Finally, this may be getting interesting.

It's been interesting before.

No, no it hasn't.

Oh, well I'll try and make it more interesting for you.

I've never seen someone DO that with a baton before.

She's a real artist with that thing.

With that out of our systems, I'd like to resume.

The gem Hermes wanted was on Mount Tarte, or so he said.

And what should we find at Mount Tarte but a familiar looking airship parked...

I bet the gem Hermes wants is aboard their ship!

I think you're right. I can't imagine where else it would be.

All right then! Let's go get all those gems!!!

Um, I think they call that robbery...
And we only need one, remember... Let's try and stay on track here.

We can't just take it, can we?
This is... stealing.... Right? Guys?

Well, maybe we could just borrow it for a bit without telling them...

That's the same thing!

You didn't have to hit me...

Wasn't me, was the Goddess. Her punishment. You know?

You think you can just walk off with other people's things?!

Homard! Make them walk the plank!

Walk the plank! Walk the plank!

Just a minute... Didn't we meet when we were fighting that giant creature?
Of course! You've decided to follow in my footsteps and become air pirates!!

N-no we-------!!

J-just listen to our story!!

Hm? On board?

I'll give you all the inochium jewels you want!
But in exchange, you'll have to take me with you to Fatima!!
Fatima! Forgotten land swathed in a veil of mystery!!
Yes! Yes!! I can see it now!
A perfect adventure for a real man like myself...!
Now that we've decided, there's no time to waste.
Let's get the gem to that Hermes fellow!!

And so Captain Homard and his crew joined up with us. Homard was a powerful warrior, but because he was not trained as a demon hunter he cannot purify portals or enemies. This also applies to his kitty crew and the fairy that tags along with him and is useless. We headed back to Hermes with the gem.

I wish all it took for people to join us was robbing them, Prince.

Yeah, we'd have a pretty damn big team if that was the case.

Pipe down. As I was saying, we returned to Hermes to get the skinny on Fatima.


Oh yes, that's right!
I've been so forgetful lately. I wouldn't wish old age on my worst enemy...
So, what was it you wanted to know?


I know, I know. I was just kidding.
All right, here we go. Listen up.
Fatima is a country that existed two hundred years ago, about one thousand miles to the south east of the kingdom of Paprica.
Civilizations at that time were not very advanced and the people were very poor, every year countless people died of starvation and sickness.
The only thing that supported the people in these hard times was their faith in the gods.
Humans are funny that way, when times are tough they look to the gods for help.
But their faith only ended up making things worse...
People in power and religious leaders did whatever they wanted in the name of the gods.
They stole offerings and lived in the lap of luxury.
And of course they thought nothing of stealing money and food from the poor.
If that was the worst thing that happened to you, you could count
yourself lucky. So you can see just how terrible things were of course anyone who protested was killed.
People they didn't like were accused of witchcraft or labeled traitors and put on trial.
And the results of those trials?
Well I don't think I have to tell you do it?
Humans can be so very cruel...
Then one day Fatima was wiped out just like that,
It was destroyed in one night.

...And that's about it.

Do you know why Fatima was destroyed in one night?

...Let's just say that the Dark Prince was involved.
I'll give you that one for free, but I can't tell you any more.
The Mediator can't go destroying the balance of the universe. Wouldn't
do at all.
Wish I could help.
You'll see the secret of Fatima with your own eyes soon enough.
Until then, you'll just have to wait and wonder...

The Dark Prince... In Fatima?

Let's go to Fatima.

That's the stuff!!
I don't know anything about this Fatima, but there's no place the
Escargot can't go!!

Onward! To Fatima!

Going to Fatima, are you?
Just let me give you one piece of advice...
You never know what life will bring.
Be true to your own feelings and you'll avoid regrets.
That's all the guidance I have for you.

You seem to have a certain man on your mind... Keep this rule in mind for him as well.
Be true to yourself.

H-hey, just a minute! What was that?!
What does that have to do with anything?!
First of all, I don't have any men on my mind!!
Hey, what are you all looking at! I'm telling you, there's no man!

Stay out of this, you!!

Hmm... I didn't think you'd go for his type...

I told you, it's not him!!
Oh, never mind!!

We left Hermes and went to inform the Queen and Father Salade of what we had found.
Crepine: Is that all right, Father Salade?

Yes, Your Majesty.
Crepine: Why don't you stay the night in the castle, in preparation for your journey?


It was the night before we were to leave, and I couldn't sleep. I went to the palace gardens and spent the night practicing...

We leave tomorrow...
I guess that means we'll be saying goodbye to Paprica for a while...
Eclair... Will she be all right without me?

Be careful... Please come back safe, Big Sister.

Don't worry.

...My mother told me everything. Thank you for helping me.
Mother says I can rest for a while.

Yes, that's good.

I won't be able to meet you or Culotte.


But what I really want to do is to come with you!!
I don't want to be Queen! I want to get out of this old castle!
I want to stay with you and Culotte!!
...I'm sorry, Big Sister.
I must sound terribly childish to you.
I've just got to accept that I'm going to be Queen, right?


You've got to be more honest with yourself! You don't want to be Queen! You want to come with us, right?!
So do it!!

B-but what about my mother and my people...?

You'll never be a good Queen if you have to be forced into it!
You only get one life. Enjoy it, and don't worry too much about what people think!
...You don't have to make yourself miserable just to please everbody else!
You're special, no matter what you choose to do.
And no matter what, I'll always be your Big Sister.

Big Sister...!

Come on! Let's Go!

The next morning we went to inform the Queen of her decision.

Your Majesty... I must speak with you.
Crepine: I don't suppose it would do any good to try and stop you.

Crepine: Very well. Go and see the outside world, my daughter.


What? What?! What's going on?
Crepine: Father Salade told me everything.

Crepine: ...Eclair.


Thank you Father.

D-Don't come any closer!
You don't have to thank me!

OK. I won't.
Things worked out well, didn't they, Eclair?

And so Eclair joined the team. She was trained as a demon hunter as well, so he's actually much stronger than she looks.

Not hard.

Laharl! Even if she's not here, that's quite rude of you to talk about her best friend like that.

Eh, I don't really care. Shut up and let me finish.


High-speed turbulence engines engaged!!
Enriched inochium batteries fully charged!!
We're ready for takeoff, Boss! Meow!

Don't call me Boss! It's Captain!
Here we go, Fur Balls!! The Escargot is taking off!!
Onward, to Fatima!


We didn't know it at the time, but only loss and despair awaited us in the land of Fatima. If I ever needed proof that the Goddess wasn't on our side that she sent us to the sin-cursed hole is all I could want.

Oh dear...

But that's a tale for another day. We hadn't even gotten to Fatima yet. And it turns out, that would be no mean feat. But, I've gone on long enough for today. Next time, we begin our journey to the forgotten land...