Part 28: Flying the Friendly Skies
Chapter 27: Flying the Friendly Skies

Hello everyone, and welcome back!

Lujei loves this part coming up! Prince Potemkin is so dreamy!



Um, I don't think there's anyone like that in this story...

Yes, perhaps you are thinking of something else.

The sillies call Lujei crazy when they think Lujei can't hear, but Lujei is right and they are wrong...

You guys are being real jerks to my friend, you know.

But come on, Prince Potemkin! What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Maybe nothing... Maybe, everything?

So nothing then?

Just shut up so I can continue. We began our journey to Fatima by air. Flying's pretty uncomfortable, by the way. And the food's terrible.

(Not again! I hate this dream!)

(Just who do you think you are? Go away!)
---I am you...

Remember... And release me. Awaken, Croix Raoul.

(Go Away!)
(I'm me! I'm not you, I'm not like you!)

Check out little Miss sunshine here. You've got a lot more nerve, just waltzing in, this late.

Never mind, Papillon.


Did you sleep well?

Like a log.

Really?! I was so nervous I hardly slept at all.
I'll say this for you, Prier. Nerves sure aren't your problem.
...Hey? What's the deal?

What are you doing, Culotte?


Is there something wrong, Mr. Croix? You seem a little out of sorts. Seasick?

It's nothing. I just had a bad dream last night....


It happens all the time. Don't worry about it.


I don't believe it. You? Concerned? about me? Amazing.
I thought under that tough exterior beat a heart of ice, but your almost a lady.

Whatever. You know, Croix, you can be a real jerk.

(Prier is so worried about Croix she doesn't even notice me.)

(poor baby...)

Woah! We're really far up!
It's still hard to believe that this thing is really flying.

Yes. I shudder to think what would happen if we were to crash...

You mean you're scared too Sister Alouette?

Of course I am. Everyone's afraid of dying.

Hahahaha! Fear not my friends!
The Escargot will never crash!!


Well, so far so good...

If we crash, I don't think we'll have to worry about "being" at all...

Don't worry. The Goddess is protecting us.

So this is the legendary Fatima...

This is about where things began to take a turn for the crappy.

An acidic cloud that dissolves everything it touches.
The ship would disintegrate if we went in there! Meow.

Oh great! Now what do we do?

Blast... This certainly is a tricky situation.

Um... May I suggest something?

What is it, Princess?


"In the Western Seas the invisible island lies, hidden and dangerous.
Above the island, death. On the island, death. Hope is under the island.
Go through the cave and see the new lands beyond.
Go through the cave with care, for the monster of the cave can also be
I think somehow my mother knew what we were heading into.

It's just part of a book written by an adventurer 100 years ago.
I thought it was just something my mother liked, but...

Do you think that island down there could be the one he was talking about?

Could be! Let's go check out that island!
Hair-balls!! We're changing course! Land on that island!

Aye-aye sir! Meow!



Aaaahh!! What are you doing to my precious ship!! Is brute force all you know?
Stupid gorilla!!


Hmm... That's not good...

What does that mean?! What's going to happen?!

What do you think it means? It means we're all going to die, that's what it means.

We've gotta do something! W-what are we gonna do?!
Oh Goddess! I won't steal from the offering plate anymore!!
Just help us!!!

You fool! That's enough of that!!

If you can't do that, you don't deserve to be on my ship!! it.
So what should we do?

I can't leave the bridge.
That means you guys have to take care of all the demons that have invaded the ship!
Do you think you're up to it? You can't let any of them escape!

No Problem!

All right then! Go to it!

So we rushed out to battle the demons invading the Escargot. I had been worried about Eclair at first, but it turned out she was stronger than she thought she was.

Between her, me, the Lord Master of the Realm of Pumpkins and this creepy green thing I found one day, the demons never stood a chance.

So of course, since this got exciting, you're ending for the day.

Wow. It's like you're psychic.

It was easy. You always end right before the story gets good.

That is true.

Oh, poor babies.

Lujei laughs at your misfortune! Ha!

Ouch, the crazy ghost's really rocking us today Prince.

I know. It's not fair.