Part 29: The Dread Count Attacks!
Chapter 28: The Dread Count Attacks!

Welcome back, children. Now, where were we last time?

Silly Sister left the ground, Silly Sister's falling down!

Right, the Escargot had just fallen under attack by demons and if we didn't do something we were going to crash.

Don't tell me you understand what she's saying.

You don't?

Can't say that I do.


Same here.

Pardon moi, but I am somewhat confused as well.

Around here I just assumed everyone would speak Crazy.

Pretty butterflies!
OPrier: Indeed. Anyway, we rushed around the ship battling the demons. As we closed in, we were certain the demons were coming from the engine room...

I'd just like to strongly suggest this video, because it's the very first time in an NIS game (if you bar the Dark World, which also uses it) that Great Wilder, which will later become Overlord Baal's Theme, is used.

I am Count Seville Tempete, Dark Lord and one of the Master Noir's three sworn servants.
During the last Demon War it was I who, in a single blow, ripped the right eye from Kefir Allois, lord of the dead.

Be careful everyone! He's much stronger than anything we've faced before!

Looks like the Church of the Divine Mother is finally getting serious.

I can't have you going to Fatima; your journey is going to end right here.
Master Noir does so enjoy toying with little people.
Aw well, it's only a little extra work for me.

But I was so looking forward to Fatima...
Ha! So just what are you going to do? Cancel our ticket?

So began our most difficult fight to date. Count Tempete had a wall of minions guarding him, and could dish out blows like hammers.

But even a Demon Lord proved no match for the combined might of La Pucelle!

Must've been a really crappy Demon Lord.

Yeah, losing to a bunch of mortals, a green floating ball thing, and a pumpkin.

I'd be pretty humiliated if it were me.

Hey. Don't go downplaying our victory over what seemed at the time to be very competent evil.

Do not think this is the end.

Omigod! Omigod! Somebody put out the fire!

Water! Somebody get some water!!

Where are we going to find water here?!

What do you think you're doing, you scumbag?!?!

(That's more like it. Back to the old Prier...)

We weren't sure how bad things really were. I mean, Homard was an experienced air pirate, surely this sort of thing happened all the time and he had a way to fix it.

Or not...

Wow, that sucked.

I just have on piece of advice for all of you.
Don't die!!
That is all.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been, though. I mean, we wanted to land on that island anyway.

Silly Sister makes funny rationalizations. She tries to act like things went super double happy fun!

Wow, the ghost's got a point for once.

Yeah, but I can't hit the ghost. Want to try your luck?

No, no. I think I'm fine.

Anyway, I'm going to stop there for now, next time I'll discuss our amazing adventures in uncharted lands as we searched for Fatima.