Part 3: Hometown
Chapter 2: Hometown

Today, children, I will tell you of the great city of Pot au Feu, where I used to live...

Seriously, I'm more than a thousand years old. You can stop calling me a child any time now.

You know, where I come from we have a saying.

Oh yeah?

Yes. It goes something like this...
"Shut up you little brat before I crack you in the skull with my baton."

Now, now. I'm sure we can solve this peacefully.

Yeah, keep this civil. Ticket sales are still happening, and the betting window's not ready yet.

Tickets? Betting? On what? Let me see that!
"One night only! See Legendary Overlord Priere show Laharl who's boss!"
Whose side are you on?

Don't worry, Prince, the line on you crying like a girl at the end is only 5:1.

Is it too late to get in on that?

Fascinating as this is, I'd like to get on with the story. As I was saying, the great city of Pot au Feu, where I used to live...

Pot au Feu was one of the grandest cities in all of Paprika. It was home to the Goddess Poitreene's main church, as well as the Church of the Divine Mother. Even before we knew more we never really trusted them.

In comparison to theirs our church was nothing impressive. We had nowhere near their resources. We only really managed to stay afloat because of the Queen's support.

What does this have to do with anything?

I'm setting the scene. Do I have to say it again?


That's what I thought. Anyway, inside the church was our infirmary and Father Salade's office. The Father wasn't in when we went on our first mission as I recall.

Even if Culotte only said it to impress Alouette, he did have a point. Good information gathering is key to an investigation. We'd received word of zombies sighted in the old sewer system outside town, a placed called the Devil's Stomach.

After our parents died, we grew up in an orphanage in the city. The Director was Father Salade's wife. The orphans had seen the zombies while playing. Luckily none of them were hurt.

We went down to Rosenqueen's, but demon hunting isn't the sort of work that makes you rich.

Rosenqueen's? Don't they have a branch in the Castle?

Yeah. I've always wondered why the items change every time we visit.
I guess it makes a lot more sense if they're some vast interdimensional chain.

As I mentioned before, the only other church in town was the Church of the Divine Mother. As I said above, we'd always considered them shady, as did the Queen. Neither she nor we could find any solid evidence of their wrongdoings, though. But that's getting ahead of the story, isn't it? We were headed for the Devil's Stomach.

Pot au Feu will represent out 'home base' for much of the game. We can gather information from the citizens there. Furthermore, it has the Rosenqueen shop. Rosenqueen's works in a similar fashion as it does in Disgaea and Disgaea 2. Purchasing items raises your Customer Rank. As your Customer Rank increases, you can ask for more expensive merchandise on the Surveys that you can take after purchasing items. The Surveys let you control the balance between weapons, armor, and other irems at Rosenqueen's as well. Surveys can also let you get, for example, more exp on your next kill, so they're worth taking even if you don't want to change the power or balance of the shop's items. Leaving Pot au Feu city takes us to the World Map, from which we can save and check the status of characters. Further, going to the World Map fully heals the party.

That looks like all our time for today, children.

Dammit! You keep calling me that, and what's more this story is so boring!

Are you saying the story needs more violence?

That's exactly what I'm sayi---ughh!


Laharl! Are you okay?

Next time, I tell the tale of how we learned to battle the forces of evil the hard way. It's not to be missed!