Part 30: Welcome to the Jungle
Chapter 29: Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome back, children. I see Lujei's vanished again.

She said something about walnuts and that she was needed elsewhere.

Yeah, she was oddly lucid, which made the walnut thing all the more peculiar.

Uh huh.

Well, she has already heard all of this before, so she's not missing anything. Anyway, last time we were plummeting to our certain deaths in a flying coffin over some goddessforsaken jungle.

What about everyone else?

Is everyone alright?

Hey Yattanya!! Watch your hands!

Touch you? Yuck. I don't even want to come near you.

The crew of the Escargot all present and accounted for! Meow.

Just a minute... Where's Alouette?

Sister Alouette!!

There she is! She's lying on the ground!!


Miraculously, everyone but Alouette seemed completely unharmed.

So she did another miracle.

Sounds like it.


Why are you the main character again?

She does miracles, I beat the crap out of people.

I was sure she was done for, but it seemed the Goddess wasn't through with Alouette yet.


Must have been, or we wouldn't be alive. Not after a fall like that.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything, but you're really pushing
yourself too hard.

Croix is right, Sister Alouette!
You're taking too many risks!

Culotte... I'm sorry to have worried you.

I had heard about Sister Alouette's miracles, but I had no idea...

An honest-to-goodness miracle is an amazing thing.

Of course it is. A normal person could never do something like that.
Sister Alouette's special.

Don't talk like you had something to do with saving us.

Well, at least we're all safe.

It was nothing. I just...

Hair-balls!! Say thank you to Miss Alouette!

Thank you Miss Alouette!

So, what do we do now?

The cave leading to Fatima should be somewhere in this jungle, right?

Yes. It said so in the book.

But with the ship in this condition...

We'll just have to walk.

That's what I was afraid of...

Cats!! Prepare to move out!

You must stay here, Yattanya.

When the repairs are finished come and get us.
You're the only one I can trust to fix the ship. Understand?

...I understand, Captain. Leave it to me!!

I personally was leery of trusting a cat with a hook to fix ANYTHING, but then again what do I know? Anyway, we set out into the jungle to find this cave.

What the hell's a jungle?

Glad you asked that. A jungle is the worst thing ever shat upon this or any world. A green hell that mocks man and god alike. I understand that in some worlds they work tirelessly to try and preserve their jungles. To these people, I suggest they crash in the middle of one of the damn things.

That bad?

I'm underselling it. It's actually much more horrible than I'm telling. Anyway, next time I'll tell you of our journey through the assforest. Until then...