Part 37: The Maiden and the Harbor
Chapter 36: The Maiden and the Harbor

Welcome back, children. I see your little friend hasn't come back yet.

Just you wait. She'll come crawling back!



Nothing. I'm sure that's what's going to happen. Anyway, when we last left off we were stranded in some godforsaken hellhole with no hope of escape.

We're going to have to find some shelter from the storm.

Enough with your meowing!! Shut up and find the Captain!!
Captain... I hope you're safe...!

Sensors show several large life forms on that hill! Meow!!

Reduce speed. Reduce altitude, prepare for pickup.

Roger! Meow!

Hahahaha! We're saved!!


Good timing, Yattanya!

The storm dissolved the Death Cloud.

Talk about a silver lining! You guys did a good job, too.

That's why you pay us the big, creamy bucks!


Hm. You seem to have learned some manners while you were gone.

I am grateful. But...
But... don't think this means I owe you anything!

Got it.

Hair-balls! The Escargot is taking off!!
Set course for Paprica!!

We were saved. But what did I even have to go back to?

Another Maiden of Light? Why do you people have to keep getting in my way?

As if you didn't know! I can't let you continue hurting Poitreene's children!

Human beings add nothing to the world, they have no right to exist.
If you want to throw away your life protecting those worthless scum, then so be it!!
I'll destroy you, like I destroyed all the Maidens of Light before you!!

Y-you're from the village at the base of the mountain... What are you doing here?!

We were worried about you...

Listen carefully...
I've used up nearly all of my power...
I'm not strong enough to defeat the Dark Prince.
I have just enough power left to seal the Dark Prince.

Seal him in?

Yes. I will erase his memory and encase him in a block of ice.
If I wipe his memory, even after the ice melts, he won't become the
Dark Prince right away.

But what about you, Maiden? What happens to you?

...I will also lose my memory.
In order to use the memory-wiping miracle, I must also erase my own
When he regains his memory and his heart is again controlled by darkness...
The flame that is my life will flicker and go out.

That hatred...
That terrible darkness in his heart is what drew the fallen angel Calamity to him.
We can defeat him if we understand why he hates humanity.
We must ease the darkness in his heart before he regains his memory.
Alone, that is far more than I can accomplish.
I will need allies...
...I will join the Dark Prince in his long sleep...
...and pray that strong allies await me in the future.

So Alouette was the Maiden of Light the whole time. Boy, was that ever obvious. I mean, no way was it going to be you.

You know, this shit is why your vassal left you.

Hey! Stop bringing that up!

You mean the perfectly valid point you have no defense for at all? I can see why you'd want me to avoid it.

You were the Maiden of Light...?

That explains your incredible powers.

But if you fought the Dark Prince 50 years ago, that would mean you...

It means I could be your grandmother.
What's the matter? Don't you like me anymore?

Of course I do!!
...I was just a little surprised, that's all.
(Wow! I'm in love with the Maiden of Light!!)

My two years at the Church of the Holy Maiden since Father Salade rescued me were not wasted.
After all, if I hadn't joined the Church, I would never had made such
wonderful friends.
I'm sure that this time we can finally defeat the Dark Prince for good.
The fact that I am still alive proves that his heart has not yet fallen
prey to darkness.
We must strike now, while he still hasn't completely recovered his memory.

But Prier is in no condition to fight...

And defeating the Dark Prince means killing Croix...
I don't know if she can handle that...

...She still won't come out of her room?

She's strong. When the time comes, she'll do what must be done.

I hope you're right.

I know you must be tired after your long journey, but I must ask you to
help Sister Ravioli.


What's wrong, Sister Alouette?

I'm terribly sorry, but I can't go.

You can't go?

...My powers are almost depleted.
I want to preserve my strength for the final battle.
Aloutte: That is the fate of the Maiden of Light...

No!! It's not true!!
You can't die, Sister Alouette!!

...That explains the way you've been acting recently.
You've been hurrying us along because you knew you would be dying soon...

It must have been hard-Trying to finish the mission with no memory.
Especially with everyone misunderstanding your intentions.

So yeah, turns out it was a good thing I was too much of a jerk to be Maiden of Light.

Wow. Usually it's not goddesses of light that give people death sentences to go along with their powers.

I won't comment on that one way or the other now, because sometime in the next chapter of this little tale we'll have an explanation straight from the source.

Sister Alouette... I'm sorry.
I had no idea how you felt. I said so many terrible things...

That is part of my mission as the Maiden of Light.
I have been prepared for it ever since I was chosen by the Goddess

I, Captain Homard, salute you!
Leave the demons at Mayonnaise Harbor to me!
You must stay here and try to regain your strength!

Homard is right.
I've relied on you and Prier too much up until now.
It's my turn to help.

Sister Alouette...
If you don't use all your power, you don't have to die, right?
I'll fight in your place!!
Do you remember the promise I made?
I said I would protect you, and I will!
I won't let you die!!

Thank you, Culotte.

And so Homard, Culotte, and Eclair set out to Mayonnaise Harbor. I didn't come along because honestly I didn't really give a damn about what was going on.

Sister Ravioli must have been torn to shreds! It's amazing she was able to contact us!

We've got to...!

Hey... Got a minute?
It's me. Hermes from Castle Cresson.


You got it. So you remember me, do you?

W-who is it, Culotte?

Oh yea, that's right. You don't know him.
Here's what happened...
...And that's about it.

...Hey kiddo, wasn't that a little on the short side?

Never mind. What do you want?

Oh yes... Now what was it...? Oh yeah...
I've got some business with you and the little lady.

Me and Eclair?

That's right. Wouldn't you two like to get stronger?

Of course!

Yea, but is it really that easy?

Not for the average human, but you guys are special. You've got great potential.
But you're still immature, so you're not making use of your true powers.
You're letting your talents go to waste.
If you want me to help you make the most of your true powers, come and
see me right away.

B-but why do you want to help us?

Let's just say that I have my reasons for wanting you to be strong.

...What shall we do, Culotte?

There's no time to waste. Hurry up.

We can't just take off!!

Worried about me?

N-no, but...

I said, GO!!!
He and I go way back...
It's time I paid you back for this scar!!

Now I remember you, hiding behind your father, trembling in fear.
You've grown some but nothing's changed.
I'm Veloute Normande, the Demon general and you'll never be a match for me.


Welcome to a whole new world!
My father is still bedridden today because of what you did to him.
It was to avenge my father that I ran away from home and became an air
I promised my mother, my father, myself, that I wouldn't return until I
had defeated you!!
You were awakened because I disobeyed my father.
Now I can fix that mistake.


Papillon... That's a direct order.
I'm sure the Captain has his reasons.

Thank you, Yattanya.

We'll be back soon! Please... be careful!!

Don't worry. He can't touch me! *Everyone else leaves...*

Are you... smiling?

That's right. I've finally found you.

But can you back it up?

That sounds like a challenge.
I'm just dying to tear you apart!





...I don't know.
But we have no choice but to go.

Yea... We need all the strength we can get.

Considering the results last time we listened to Hermes, I think I would have told him exactly where he could stick his offer of help.

Where's that?

It's somewhere behind that wall he's in.

Now now, don't rush me, young lady.
As I said before, I called you here to help you realize your true potential.
But before I can do that, you must pass a certain test...

A test?

As I said before, I am in charge of balancing the powers of light and darkness in the world.
But recently the Church of the Divine Mother and their demons have been getting stronger.
Over 70% of Paprica is under the control of the dark energy.
Light and shadow are different, but you can't have one without the other.
If one side or the other gets out of balance, the results can be disastrous.
That's why I need you, as representatives of light, to get stronger.
If you can defeat the Church of the Divine Mother, the balance of the
universe will be restored.
So how about it? Will you take the test?
Of course, if you fail, you die.
I won't force you. You must make the choice on your own.

I'll do it!

Me too!

That's the spirit! I knew Poitreene chose you for a reason.
Good Luck!

Okay, let's get serious for a second here. This map is honestly probably where many, many La Pucelle players will give up. You have to fight level 36 or so Dark Eclair with just Culotte and regular Eclair. Which means that you basically have to just use Eclair because I guarantee Culotte will catch an Omega Lance and die almost immediately. If you don't see it coming and get people leveled up to match her, this is absolutely terrible. And remember, Dark Eclair is pound for pound one of the hardest hitting characters, so for once in the game defense and health are actually pretty important.

Bingo! You got it! But not really!
You're half right, you see.

Eclair, that really is you.


She is another version of you, created by the darkness in your heart.
The Queen told you that you were actually the Dark Knight right?
But... that's strange...
I thought we completely erased the darkness from your heart...

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The human heart is made up of two halves.
It's the combination of the dark half and the light half that makes us who we are.
The young lady will continue to suffer as long as she denies the dark half of her heart.
But if she can overcome the darkness in her heart by herself...

Teehee. Interesting, huh?
That's the test.
I wonder if you two can pass it all by yourselves...
No, probably not. Culotte can't do anything without his big sister.

Hahahaha! You think so?
You're no better, Eclair. You can't do anything without your "Big Sister."
You're just a puppet that does everything your mother says. You never
stand up for yourself.


What's wrong? Can't think of anything to say?

...You're right. I used to be weak, just as you said.
But I created you! My heart created you!
So I have to defeat you myself! I won't be weak any longer!!

That's easy for you to say! You really think you can beat me?!

The test was simple. They had to defeat the darkness in Eclair's heart alone. She was a brutal fighter, but I'm told Eclair proved stronger in the end and defeated her.

Why do I always have to be your shadow?!
I want to have adventures too! And have mother comfort me...



...What's the matter?! Aren't you going to kill me?!
Just do it! Finish me off!

I can't.


We're like sisters... We're twins!
We've been separated into light and dark halves, but we're really part of the same person.
I understood that for the first time just now when we fought.



Up until now, I've never really liked myself...
I guess I've been lying to myself all this time.
After a while, my hatred for myself ended up blocking away a part of my

And then I was born...

She's right. It's not a question of which one of you is real. You're both Eclair.
You've got to accept each other. Come together as one of you'll keep on

...... I guess even you say something decent occasionally,
We're like twin sisters, right?
All right...
But I get to be the older sister!

W-what's happening?! My heart feels warm...!

Me too...!

What do you think?

I'm not really sure...

I suppose not. Let me explain.
First you, kiddo.


Part of you has always relied on your sister.
That's why you weren't able to realize your true potential.
But you were able to pass this test without any help from her.
As a prize, I have given you a new skill called "Kitty Kitty."
I think the name suits you...
From now on, try and have a little more confidence in yourself, OK?

Y-yes sir!

And now for the little lady...
Your heart has become one for the first time today.

From now on, you will be able to fully control both parts of yourself.
Think of this as the first day of the rest of your life. Good Luck.

... Thank you!

Don't mention it. Just doing my job.
But shouldn't you be getting back to your friends?

That's right!

Meanwhile, Homard was struggling with his nemesis, Normande.

I never would have thought that little brat would become such a mighty
You're an interesting specimen.

Oh really? I'm glad to hear it!!
(Damn... He's strong!!)
(I've used up almost all of my energy...)
(I may be in trouble here...)
(Snap out of it, Homard!)
(You're not a child hiding behind your father anymore!!)
(I was too scared to do anything then...)
(I was so scared I thought I would die!)
(The truth is that I defeated myself!)
(And I'll remain a loser until I beat him!)
(It doesn't matter if I die...)
(I must defeat him!)
(I created this technique just for him...!)

I've heard about that kind of attack before. There's supposedly some guy who used it to banish a Demon Lord in a single blow.

He's my friend.

Wait, what was that? You're saying it's true, and you know the guy?

Know what guy?


Give it up. You're only making messing with you more fun.




You're back early. I was doing just fine...

No! We're friends! We want to help!
And... I've discovered my other self now.
So I won't be a burden to you any longer.

I had another identity hidden inside me.
We had been apart, but now we are together.
Now that my two halves have come together, I can finally be the real me.
I never knew about my other self...
No... The truth is that I never wanted to admit that she existed.
But now I can love both parts of me.
So please let me help...

This is quite a surprise...
I thought you wre cute before, but you're positively ravishing now.

Back to the battle!!
Eclair... Culotte...
Show me your new skills!

All right!

Come on Cats! We'll help too!! Meow!

Normande had powerful demon minions, but Homard's special technique was designed with his downfall in mind.

Yeah, it was forged in the fires of battle, and reveals the power of his heart. It's one crazy red attack alright.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm afraid I have other business to attend to...
But we will finish this soon...




Thank goodness you're safe...

Hmph. Did you really think that the great Captain Homard could be defeated?
There there... Wipe away your tears. I don't like making women cry.
That's right.
I think maybe your heart has gotten a bit stronger too.

Yes! Both Eclair and I have gotten stronger!
And it's all thanks to you!

That's enough of that. I had my own reasons for fighting.

Way to go, Captain!! You're the cat's meow.
Poitreene: And Eclair... You will be her sword. The two of you will help Alouette.
The Dark Prince Croix still retains a small portion of his humanity.
But if Alouette dies, her spell will be broken, and he will once again
become the Dark Prince.

So the demons will want to kill Sister Alouette!

This has all been a big diversion! And we played right into their hands!

We've got to save Alouette! Let's get back to the Church!!

It seemed like everything was set for our final showdown with the Dark Prince.

I'm going to call it now so everyone will know how awesome I am when I'm right. Noir's got some bullshit trick up his sleeve still.

He's the villain. Of course he's got some bullshit trick up his sleeve.

You're ruining it by just coming out and agreeing with me.

Good. Anyway, come back next time for the epic tale of La Pucelle's battle with the dreaded Dark Prince!