Part 38: The Final Showdown?
Chapter 37: The Final Showdown?


This isn't the real you!
The real you was the person who went adventuring with us...
And the one who lived happily with Angelique.
You must not give into the darkness Croix!!

You must not let them kill you...
Leave this to me.

You will be the first to die!!!

I spent the years since then training myself to be a demon hunter.
I even developed my own "Holy Punch" technique.
And then I created the Church of the Holy Maiden. All to help you defeat the Dark Prince.

You've thrown away your entire life to help me...

But I must admit that I was shocked when Croix showed up.
I never thought the Dark Prince would be working with the Maiden of Light...
But I said nothing, thinking that it was a part of Goddess Poitreene's plan.
But I can remain silent no longer.

Poitreene: That's right. Look...

Poitreene: Come, Prier. You must fight.

I can't fight Croix!!
Besides, what can someone like me do, anyway?
It was always my dream to become the Maiden of Light, but I've come to
realize something.
People like Alouette and Angelique should be the Maidens of Light, not me...
I'm not fit to be a Maiden of Light...
What can someone like me do?!?! Nothing!!
Poitreene: Then Alouette will die, and Croix will lose his soul to the darkness forever.

Poitreene: Is that what you want?

Poitreene: Then you must fight!

You may be a Goddess but you don't understand what I'm feeling!
Why don't you save Croix yourself?!
Poitreene: That I cannot do.

Then what's the point of having a Goddess?!
I thought you were supposed to help people in need!
But all you do is order people around while you do nothing yourself!!
I don't need a Goddess like you!!
Why are you even here? What can you do for me?!
Poitreene: ......

Poitreene: People have come to worship this power as the Goddess Poitreene.
Darkness and light are both parts of nature. Neither is innately good or evil.
But if the two powers become unbalanced, the world will be thrown into
Noir and the Church of the Divine Mother are working to disrupt the balance of power.
If the Dark Prince Croix awakens, the world will be covered in darkness.

For you? For the power of light? For the power of good?
Poitreene: ...No. You must fight for what you believe in.
Alouette, your brother Culotte, Eclair and Father Salade...
They are all fighting for what they believe in.
If they fail, and the balance between light and darkness is broken...
Then at least they will have done their best. That is fate.
But can you really stay here and do nothing as everything you care for
is lost?

Poitreene: Think about that and your heart will tell you what to do.

My heart says to think of Angelique, what she would do.
And how she would do it.

(Hmm... I wonder what my wife will say when she hears of my death?)
(She's strong... She probally won't cry...)
(If I do make it home alive, maybe I'll tell her I love her. It's been
so long...)

I was so sad that I didn't know what to do.
And I'm too stupid to know how to save you.
But I do know that I'm not going to stand by and watch you hurt innocent people.
That's for damn sure.
And I will rid your heart of darkness!!
But you must fight the darkness too!!



Very impressive.

Why did you do that?!

The revival of the Dark Prince was merely a means to that end.

You plan to summon the fallen angel Calamity, don't you?!

You are indeed the Maiden of Light... Exactly right.
Harnessing the dark energy and reviving the Dark Prince were part of my

I will never let that happen!

You're quite a spirited young lady. Tell me your name.

I will save Croix!!

once-in-a-lifetime adventure!