Part 39: The Angel Gate
Chapter 38: The Angel Gate

Welcome back, children!

Dammit! Who does she think she is?

Now, now Laharl. Calm down.

I won't calm down! Now not only has she left, but she's trying to become a greater Overlord than ME? I won't allow it!

Wait, wait, I missed something here.

We saw something on the news that "Beauty Queen Etna" had been spotted in some other netherworld hunting a legendary Overlord.

It's unacceptable! She's MY vassal! I don't have to sit around and let her do this to me!

You wouldn't be much of a man or an Overlord if you did, it's true.

You're right! I'm not going to take this! I'm going to go find this 'Veldime' and bring her back, kicking and screaming if I have to!

Oh, Laharl...

He'll be okay. Let's keep going.

Don't let the human blood in your veins control you.


No matter. Do as you like. I'm happy as long as I have worthy opponents to fight.
That's the only reason I am following you. Don't forget that...
I will enjoy this...

Blasted demon...
Mother... My Utopia will soon be complete...

Her eyes were different from those of the humans who killed you...
Her eyes were clear and bright... like yours...
Mother... Do you remember what you told me just before you died?
You said that there were good and bad demons, just as there were good
and bad humans.
I have long thought that all humans and demons were evil.
But that girl... she...
What would you think of me if you saw me now...?
But it's much too late to go back...

The final battle was soon to begin. But first we had to find Noir.

There's no sign of a large concentration of dark energy Miss Alouette described.

With all of the dark energy around here, it's like looking for a mouse in a haystack.

The Dark Prince could be revived any minute. We're wasting to much time with this!

She's the Maiden of Light.
Believe her. It must be around here somewhere.

Have you found it yet?

No, nothing yet.
But don't worry. We'll find their lair, or my name isn't Captain Homard.

We're counting on you.

Sorry about that, Prier.

That's nothing to apologize about, Sister Alouette.
It's not like Prier ever had a chance at it anyway...

B-boss! A giant concentration of dark energy just appeared straight ahead of us!!
It's getting bigger and bigger!!

What?! Meow!!

It's twenty thousand foucettes in mass!! meow!

T-twenty thousand foucettes?!

I've never heard of that much energy suddenly appearing in one place!

L-look at that?!

What is that!?

Long ago, high about the cluods there lived a race called the Tenjin.
The gods communicated with them, gave them power to live.
That must be the ruins of one of the gates they built to communicate with Calamity.
Noir must have been collecting dark energy in order to set the gate in
motion again.

You mean that all of the dark energy in Paprica is concentrated in that gate?

So that's how he plans to summon the fallen angel Calamity, hum?

Yes... But there's one more thing...

In order to summon the Goddess of darkness, you must sacrifice someone with dark powers.
Noir must be trying to obtain power even greater than that of the Dark

So what are we wasting time around here for?!
Get out of my way!! *kicks the first mate away*

Just a minute, Prier! What do you think you're doing?!

She isn't planning what I think she's planning, is she...?

I'm afraid so. Remember, this is Prier we're talking about...

Everybody!! Hold on to something!
Here we go!! Full speed ahead!!

For some reason, it seems like we run into a lot more emergencies when you're around...

This must be the place.
Looks like they've sent us a welcoming committee...

We can handle these wimps...
Wait, didn't you forbid me to use that word?

Well, this is an emergency...
Why don't we go and kick some wimp butt?

Such language coming from the Maiden of Light...

Don't worry about that. Just get out there and fight for what you believe in.

(The Goddess said the same thing...)
(I guess I'll never live up to Alouette... Oh well!)

We had a tough fight against the dark forces, but our superior skills prevailed.

But we could tell that there were forces far more powerful waiting in Noir's lair, and we were forced to retreat momentarily. But we returned with power far beyond our previous strength, ready to smash the forces of darkness.

Hey, I'm a man.
Women may not understand risking life for pride.
But it's something any real man won't hesitate to do.
I'm going to settle things with him once and for all!!
Unless I defeat him on my own, I'll remain a loser and a coward for the
rest of my life!!
Please understand.


Homard... I don't know what has happened between you two.
But a man's got to do what a man's got to do.
And I think this is your time to do just that.
We won't stop you.

B-but Father Salade...

Culotte, you're a man. Try to understand how he feels.
Anyway, I think there's someone here who would like to stop him even more than you do.

You're right...

We haven't had much of a chance to talk, but you are an impressive man.
Just don't get yourself killed.

Promise me you'll catch up to us! Promise!!

Of course. I'll be right behind you.
Yattanya, if anything should happen to me, I want you to take charge of the Escargot.

You're the only one who can command the crew of the Escargot, Captain.

Yes, I guess you're right.
You guys would be lost without me, eh?

That's right, Captain.

All right then... Sorry to have kept you waiting...

Even demons allow their victims last goodbyes.

I think you're confused. I told them I'd be back soon.

We left Homard. We had no choice. We just had to hope he was safe...

I thought I heard someone scream down below...


Y-you rotten little brat!!!

Not any more.
You better call me Captain Homard!!

Y-you think you can kill me that easily?!

...He got away.
But he won't last long. Not with wounds like that.
I won...! I finally beat him.
Father... Mother... I finally did it...

No, he wouldn't like that.
He'll be fine. I know he'll come back safe.

Yeah, you're right.
(You've gotten much stronger.)
(I'm sure you really want to go check on him...)
(I've got to be strong too!)

Oh my!

The stage was set for our final showdown with the forces of the Church of the Divine Mother. Would we prevail? What would be the fate of Croix, Alouette, and Captain Homard? How did everything go so wrong in the end? All will be revealed in our dramatic conclusion!

Oh, I'd like to go after Laharl, but this is way too cool!

Eh, screw him, He'll be fine on his own.

Etna! Make me dinner!
......Crap. Forgot.
Flonne! Make me dinner!
......Crap. Forgot.
Dammit, this sucks.