Part 5: Investigation
Chapter 4: Investigation

Attend, children, it is time once again for me to shower you with wisdom.


Prince, don't you usually complain about how condescending she's being?

He probably doesn't want to get hit again.

I'll bet you one of those new Sulfur Shakes they've got at Burger Overlord she ends up hitting him again today.

You're on!

We continued our investigation of the Devil's Stomach...

I decided that maybe we should take advantage of the zombies infesting Devil's Stomach. If the enemy had zombies, then we should too.

The others seemed somewhat... reluctant to let me bring zombies onto our team. I think Culotte was mostly worried about getting the smell out of our clothes. The zombie also had a box of treasure.

Treasure eh? What sort of treasure.

A lozenge.

A lozenge?

Why the hell would a zombie have a lozenge?

How should I know? Maybe it had a sore throat.

It's half rotten.

Then it's probably got some serious throat irritation. I rest my case.

Alouette started in on her pedantics again not long after we made friends with the zombie. She decided to 'enlighten' me on the nature of miracle attacks. Like I didn't know already...

Luckily, I knew just what they were talking about, and the enemies were dispatched in record time.

From there, though, it seemed the way onward was blocked by a gate. We decided to investigate a side room...

This map introduces event panels. These are flashing areas on the map that, when entered, have some overarching effect. They often unlock new maps, and some can change the outcome of the chapter. The most common, though, are the entrances and exits to the map. Through these you can leave a map that you cannot complete or run through a map on which you cannot kill all the enemies.

There was a sort of conspicuous area on the ground surrounded by zombies in this area.

Closer investigation revealed a switch, which we activated. This turned out to open the locked gate in the previous room. We had other business to attend to, though. There was another new friend to be made...

We had a Tiny Bat, which was fine if you're into that sort of thing. But this bat? Much larger. Operating under the theory that a bat twice as large is at least twice as good, I was determined to bring that bat over to our side. As a sign of respect for it, I also had Culotte unleash the power of eternal hell on its ass.

Needless to say it was impressed, and joined up with us.

Through the gate in the previous room, we discovered that the source of the zombie infestation was deeper than anyone could have guessed...

What's a castle doing here?

Don't as me... I have no idea.

This must be the source of the zombies. I sense impurity here.

Wait a minute. You're not suggesting we go inside?!
I think I'll be going now...

I'd just like to say for a holy woman she really, really seemed to enjoy hitting me with that damn book. But anyway...

Stop. There's a term for that: it's 'dereliction of duty' and it's unforgivable.
In the name of the Maiden of Light, I order you to go on.

(Bossy old bat!)

I heard that.
In the name of the Maiden of Light, I forbid you to use the term 'old bat' ever again.

All right all right...

Focus, Sister Prier. We must find out why these zombies are in the world of the living.
Don't forget, the fate of these poor creatures rests completely on your shoulders.
If we fail, their souls will continue to wander forever.
It's a terrible responsibility, but that's part of our job as demon hunters.

Terrible responsibility...
It'd be funny now if it weren't so pathetic. We didn't realize it then, but our first mission was about to become a lot more complicated.

Now, it's just me, but it seems like Alouette's the main character so far.

In what way?

Well, she's stronger than you, smarter than you, and she's got more experience than you... Need I go on?

Compelling arguments, I'll grant you that. However, can Alouette bludgeon you with a baton?

Oh, Laharl! You cost me a shake...

That's all our time for today, children, but next time I will relate the sad tale of Montblanc Castle. The first chapter of MY adventure is nearing a close. You won't want to miss it!