Part 9: Family Matters
Chapter 8: Family Matters

Welcome back, children. Last time I told you of the string of grisly murders in Pot au Feu City. Today, I will tell you how we began tracking down the suspect.

Wake me up when you get to the good part.

Culotte does something really dumb this time around too.

Isn't he your brother?

Yeah, you talk an awful lot of trash about him for a relative. What gives?

I'm not one to speak ill of the long dead, but perhaps it will become clear to you at the climax of my tale.


I'll tell you later. But not now. Now I'm going to tell you how we started looking for this shapeshifter.

We started out by visiting the scene of the crime. Sister Olive had already left for Mount Tarte by the time we arrived.

So what does this mean?
He's on a killing spree to get revenge against this girl, Palmier, who dumped him?

That doesn't seem likely...
After all, he's not you...

I don't kill people!
But I do get revenge...

Ow... Yeah, against me...

With that done, we headed to Mount Tarte to try and link up with Sister Olive.


Yes. Prier and I grew up here on Mt. Tarte.
You might say it's our hometown.


Oh, why'd you have to go and bring that up?!
We don't have time for that kind of nonsense now!
Why don't you just shut up and carry the luggage?!

...I'm not your servant.
I'm a demon hunter, too...
How about a little respect?

What are you talking about?

He ran away?

Yeah, little brat.

Well, you were pretty hard on him there.

Yeah, that was kind of cold.

I didn't see anything wrong with it.

I'm not sure what's more annoying, you two disagreeing with me or him agreeing with me.


Anyway, I'm not done yet.

Oh no! Oh no! What'll I do?!?!?
Culotte ran off by himself!!

That's hardly surprising.
You were pretty harsh on him.

But we always talk like that! Right?! I was just kidding!

It may have been a joke to you, but Culotte was obviously very hurt.

Oh no...

Culotte is in danger all by himself. Let's go find him.

By the way, I hate the mountains. Moving to the city was a huge boon, because it got us away from the bears.



But now I resolved that the beary menace would be conquered and that we would use it against the forces of evil. And indeed bears prove to be some of the mightiest of minions at our disposal. Mount Tarte proved a much more dangerous locale than Montblanc Castle, and great caution needed to be taken to ensure the powerful enemies couldn't gang up on one of us.

We decided to investigate a spring off to the side. While we didn't find Culotte, we did make some progress in the investigation...

Sister Olive! Hold on!

Ugh... Si... S-sister Prier...
My mother...! She... tried to... kill me...

Your mother?
Sister Olive's mother died last year.

Come on. We must hurry.
I've contacted Father Salade.

You mean we're just going to leave Sister Olive like this?

Sister Prier... I can say a prayer for her, but we need to continue.
Risking death is part of our job.
Sister Olive is a member of La Pucelle.
She knows the risks.

I hated having to leave her behind, but Alouette was right. We needed to track down the culprit, and Culotte was out there all alone. I might have undersold his abilities slightly, but he was no match for the sort of demon that could defeat Sister Olive.

You're constantly complaining about how much he annoyed you.

Oh Laharl, that doesn't matter. It's her brother. No matter how much they fight they're still bound by the love one has for one's family.

That's enough for today. Next time we continue our investigation, and a new ally emerges. Now go away.