Part 1: Let's Play Labyrinth!
Let's Play Labyrinth!

Hello and welcome to the LP of Lucasfilm's Labyrinth, a very interesting adventure game based on the movie of the same name. Published in 1986 by Activision, it is Lucasart's first of many adventure games. It's particularly notable because Douglas Adams was involved in brainstorming the game design and many of his ideas, all of which are pretty awesome, were worked into the game. I'll point them out as we come across them. Find out more here. I will be playing the Apple //e version. It was also made for the C64 and the MSX (a weird Japanese version with a few major differences).
So let's get started!

It starts off with asking you three questions. No I will not make a Monty Python joke. I considered having people vote on these things, but screw that, I'm impatient and now we're a girl named Pete who likes green.

And now we come to the prologue. As you can see, it just plunks you in without much explanation. I'll explain the game mechanics of this part. It's just like a text adventure, except instead of guessing what the parser wants from you, you have a long list of verbs that you can scroll through. Those verbs are: complain, drop, eat, give, go, inventory, look, and take.
We'll start playing the game in my next post, where I'll go over all the verbs and show them in action (some of the responses are amazing) and we'll try to get through the prologue and into the game proper.