Part 11: Bonus Update 1 - Oh Snap, Those Oubliettes DID Get Me
Bonus Update 1 - Oh Snap, Those Oubliettes DID Get Me
Oubliettes. They're places you put people to forget about 'em, supposedly. As a kid, I thought that the movie meant that the people were supposed to forget about the oubliettes, and that didn't make a lick of sense to me. Now as an adult I understand that they're crazy ass dungeon pits that you can't escape. Except you totally can in The Labyrinth.
Now, if you play this game as solidly as you can and if you're quick and cautious, it is pretty easy to avoid getting dumped into an oubliette. If, however, you do somehow get dropped like a hot potato into one, there are plenty of ways to get out. Not all of them work all the time, but there is always a way out (unless you accidentally screw yourself over, in which case, good luck, buddy!!).

Now, here's your first chance at getting caught, in the Brick Hallway. In general, things like the type of oubliettes you get dropped into and the way certain things are set up depend on what color shirt you're wearing. I know, it's weird and ridiculous, but that's just how it is. I'm not entirely 100% sure here, but I THINK the first type of oubliette you get dumped into is always this kind:

See that little line there? It's a slot for inserting things into. Do not insert a nickel or it'll just get stuck and then YOU'RE stuck! If you insert the ticket or one of your quarters, this happens:

And you're free to go! Head on out and you're sent back to The Labyrinth entrance area, but it's pretty easy to get back into The Brick Hallway. Every oubliette will send you back an area or two once you escape. It's a minor nuisance.

Oh no! Walking around in the Hedge Maze, I've gotten caught yet again! How will I escape this time! Also, my shirt has changed colors. Don't concern yourself with it.

So, Jareth will help us if we tell him the 'magic word'. This is the word the beggar told you at the beginning. If you didn't follow my lead and steal his cup (I am a bad role model, sorry), Jareth will be happy to help:

At the cost of an hour off your time, of course. You didn't expect him to help you for free, did you! This way out will always work, if all else fails.

Oh no, I'm covered in disgusting bog water and I've been caught by goblins YET AGAIN! NOW how will I escape?!

Hooray! This doesn't always work. Sometimes when you call the elephant, he's in a meeting and can't come.
So if it didn't work, how else could we get out of here? I'm glad you asked! We all saw what eating a peach did to that goblin I stole my helmet from, right? Let's see how it felt!

This too will always work (as long as you have a peach on you). It also costs you an hour of your precious time. It also also makes no sense at all. Oh well!

Will I ever learn!!

You can call the nerd any time you're in an oubliette, but most of the time she shushes you because she's watching a movie. If, however, she starts babbling about you going into the movie, you have your way out of the oubliette. She literally drives you up the wall, and you can climb out. Geddit!!

If you fall into an oubliette and see a bright yellow square, this is how you escape. Remember The Persecution of Ludo and the colored squares that changed colors until it opened a trap door? Same thing's going on here, except it changes a lot more colors:
Once it turns orange, a trap door opens and you fall out into your freedom. No, I don't know how it works either.
There are a couple more methods of escaping the oubliettes, one too boring to screencap and the other I couldn't get to happen no matter my shirt color or area. The first is to walk around the oubliette until a hidden trap door opens up and you fall to your freedom. It's always good to check for this first so you don't waste a peach/an hour escaping. The second way is if there's already a closed door in the oubliette. No matter how close you are to the door, saying "open door" only gets a "you're not close enough" message. The trick here is to go where there ISN'T a door and say "open door". Tricky, eh? Also, sometimes you'll just climb out on your own if you wait around long enough, but that isn't worth the wait.
So, what else is there to cover? Oh! I know! Remember back at Alph and Ralph?

Now, I know it says 'To Certain Death', but it couldn't possible mean that, right? It probably just leads to another oubliette!

...Or not...
Next time: Chapter 8 - Dancing Magically, with your host, Jareth the Goblin King