Part 5: – Stylin' and Profilin'
Chapter 3 – Stylin' and Profilin'

So, after falling down a surprise trap door, here we are in a completely different hallway made of bricks. This time they're blue and there are tunnels! In this starting hallway there's a couple things to pick up, as well as a new looking blip on our radar.

Well look at this, it's a ladder! A ladder that we are not going up. The two objects were another rock(that thing next to me in the picture is a weird looking rock but it's the same as all the others) and a peach. Now we're going to head all the way to the right and go down that corridor.

Right when we get through the corridor, we come upon something brand new! I always get super giddy when we find something that isn't a goddamn rock.

I've never been so excited to get a gardening tool before in my whole entire life. Now, what else is down here? Looks like another ladder and a person! It isn't moving, so I don't have to be scared. Let's go check it out!

Oh christ it's a goblin guard. But he doesn't seem aggressive... You know, there's something I've been wondering about, but I refuse to try it on myself... So let's see if he'll eat this peach...

Hahahahaha sweet. I still can't get through the door he was guarding, though. So what was the real point of all this?

God. Yes.
That object over to the left there is just another crystal ball, so I got it real quick and headed back to the passed out goblin guard. The corridor next to the door he was guarding leads to...

This is my favorite section of the game as far as looks go. It isn't a bunch of boring brick hallways, and there are bushes and benches to liven it up.
There's a crystal ball to pick up to the left over there, so we'll grab that and head all the way to the other end of the hallway and go through the farthest right path.
Which puts us out in front of a goblin guard who starts to chase us. Goddamn it. Running at our horribly sluggish pace to the left, we pass a big gold hoop. Terror does not outweigh my need to pick every single thing up.

Now let's beat feet all the way to the far left exit!
That takes us back to the other, safe hallway. Any other exit would've taken us back to the Stone Corridor except the one we initially came into, which would also have brought us back here. When you don't know where to go, this leads to a LOT of annoying merry-go-round action.
So anyhow, where do we go from here, if all the exits either take us to the other hallway or back to the Stone Corridor? Well, there's this:

A pathway with the entrance overgrown. If we only had some sort of gardening tool in order to cut our way through...

As you can see, we used our shears to manicure the "door". Yes, that is what that verb is for. No, I didn't figure it out on my own. So let's go through!

...Oh. Well, that seems like as good a point as any to stop for today!
Next time: Chapter 4 - The Dark Side of the Disk