Part 6: The Dark Side of the Disk
Chapter 4 - The Dark Side of the Disk

Oh man, it feels like it's taken weeks to flip the disk over... So, let's finally see what's on the other side!

Well, this is... different! We could explore where all of these exits lead, but first let's go say hi to the Wise Man and his sassy bird of a hat.

O...k. I guess that was worth a nickel?

Sure, great. Now what the hell was that advice supposed to mean? Let's think here... “The right door's the only one on the left that's left when the left door and the one to its right is wrong.” There are three doors on the left, so one of them must be the correct door. “The left door and the one to its right” could only mean the near left door and the middle door... That means the door on the right end is right!
But first...

Okay, let's go see how good my deductive reasoning is!

Hey, look at me with my logical self! I was right! Or left. Whatever.
I get this CRAZY feeling that if I were to have tried any other door, I would've been teleported to a random spot in the Wise Man's Garden and then the puzzle would've reset itself and I would've had to start all over again. Don't ask me where I got that idea, since I clearly got it right on the first try!
So, another hedge maze, huh? Well, the last time I was in one, the only way I got anywhere was to go through a weeded up doorway. So those must always lead to the right places! Can't argue with that logic!

Especially when it is right! Look, the door knockers! Let's see what they have to say, starting with the guy on the right, who doesn't seem to have any actual knockers.
Take that comment as you will.

Yet he won't elaborate on WHAT one thing is more boring than being stuck in an oubliette. Maybe it is talking to him. OH SNAP!

And the other guy?

Hey, it looks like something is in the keyhole of the door here...

So what happens if I hit the guy who actually talks to us?

They have a whole series of knock knock jokes (Sir, Didymus up my hair?) but I won't put you through them. Suffice to say, devil guy here opens his mouth a whole lot while doing a knock knock joke with the deaf guy (who apparently can hear perfectly fine when it isn't us trying to talk to him), which gives me a hilarious idea. I have this gigantic bracelet that would make the perfect knocker for this joker (and also a perfect bracelet for our pal Ludo when we find him, but I SOMEHOW think that giving it to him would completely ruin our game!)... Let's wait until he opens his mouth aaaaaand...

Haha! Gotcha! However! In spite of all the trouble I went through to get that bracelet in his mouth, I'm going to go through deaf guy over there instead. My womanly intuition tells me that that is the proper way to go!

I wonder what completely illogical place THIS door will lead me to!
Next time: Chapter 5 - Ludos and Didymuses and Fireys, OH MY!