Part 7: – Ludos and Didymuses and Fireys, OH MY!
Chapter 5 – Ludos and Didymuses and Fireys, OH MY!

So apparently it makes perfect sense that going through a door would plunk me right in the middle of a forest! Let's take a little looksee around here... My little radar thingy seems to be completely gone, which totally bites, but I think I'll survive without it.

I never showed what the 'call' verb did before because before this side of the disk, it does absolutely jack squat except for a 'Nothing happens' response (unless you're stuck in an oubliette, but we'll cover that later). But now, my friends! Now, things will happen! Let's call the newest noun in our list, the Firey!

This little buddy right here'll follow us around until we leave the forest, prancing about us like a kid off his ritalin. Let's have a little chat with him:

A ROCK video, eh? Well, I do have a camcorder. We can give them what they want later on, if we happen upon Jareth dancing around with a baby or something, I don't know. Maybe Jareth captured Aerosmith in here as his thrall too. WHO KNOWS.
Let's blow this popsicle stand. Forest stand. Whatever.

aglahghaghaghghgh who puked up a million rotting cow corpses holy moly
Oh, hey, a tiny dog riding another, larger dog! The complete adorableness of that has overwhelmed the hideous smell!

Y'okay, tiny adorable dog knight. If it says so in the rulebook, I guess I gotta do it! Something tells me I want to have Ludo as my buddy anyway! Now, where IS Ludo? I have a 50/50 chance at finding him from here, so let's go... LEFT.

Haha, sweet, I am so good at guessing!! Okay, so what the heck is going on here guys. Two goblins, Ludo hangin' upside down, and a bunch of white squares on the ground.

So here's how this works. The white squares change colors every time you walk over them: blue, then pink, then orange, then grey. Once they turn grey, whoever steps over them drops down into an oubliette. Do you see what we are supposed to do, kiddies?

That's right. Even though it is really hard to tell, that unlucky little goblin stumbled on an orange square, which turned grey and dropped his sorry butt down into an oubliette. This happened to both goblins, but the screenshot for the second one didn't take and I hardcore refuse to restart this whole sequence just to show you guys basically the same thing that is happening in this screenshot. It might not look it, but it is a complete pain to get the squares to the right color and then get the goblins to chase you in the right direction.
So anyway! I've dispatched both goblins, let's go save poor Ludo!

Ludo down indeed! Well, the only thing I have to cut him down are these shears, so we use them and...


Aw crumbs, back here again?!
Well, we went through all that trouble to free Ludo, let's see if he'll come when we call him!

Dawwwhahaha, he's so freakin' cute!! Now that Ludo's here, I've got a silly idea formin' in my head, but this game is all about silly ideas, so let's give it a shot:

Dawwwwwhahaha!! So adorable, holy crap! Okay, I can't get distracted. I HAVE A PLAN.

Next time: Chapter 6 - Firey feets, don't fail me now!