Part 9: The End of an Era
Chapter 7 - The End of an Era

So here we are, standing in front of a bridge in a disgustingly smelly place. Time is of the essence (even though we've apparently only been at this for an hour and some change) and we all know I'm going to cross this bridge, but there's something I have to do first...

Yes, that's right. I have to drop the helmet, or I'll get stuck in a walking dead due to a glitch later on. THE HELMET WAS FOR NOTHING. I assume it was going to help something, but was never fully implemented, as such things go. So instead of removing it from the game completely, they let you wear it and only let you remove it at this exact point right here (if I were to try and drop it earlier, it'd tell me it was stuck). And if you don't remove it right before you cross the bridge, you're screwed.
I did look cool in it, though.
Now, that bright yellow bridge over there is really slippery and I have no shoes on. I have a crazy idea, but all of my previous, crazier ideas have worked, so why not give it a shot...

Well now! That feels... wrong in so many ways. Let's just... go across the bridge...

Oh ho ho! Look at that! Even though I had three legs and was much sturdier crossing the bridge, IT FELL OUT FROM UNDERNEATH ME ANYWAY. Luckily I booked it out of that stank-ass bog, or I get the feeling that something very important would've fallen out of my pocket!
Woman's intuition is the only thing saving me from potential annoyance throughout this trip.

If you can't read that (I can't imagine why you couldn't though!) it's a goblin yelling “She smells awful! Get her!” You'd think that they'd want to stay away from Little Miss Stinky Britches, but goblins are unpredictable!
This part is pretty simple, you just go into goblin houses and come out different goblin houses ala Scooby Doo while avoiding the goblins until you get to...

Here we are in front of Jareth's castle. This is home to the most annoying “puzzle” in the game. I'm going to need all the help I can get!

...Oh. Awesome, my sorry, stanky ass is too strong for a giant hair monster.
Good thing I think I have just the thing! And good thing that it didn't fall out of my pocket while I was in the bog. It somehow seems like it'd be the only thing to fall out, which would be kind of ironic since it's the only thing to get rid of the bog's stench!

Well, that's alright, we can still use him. I'm going to need a LOT of rocks for this puzzle. So, let's get started, shall we?
A note before we begin: As far as I can tell, there's only one walkthrough for this game available on the net, and the guy who wrote it didn't figure this puzzle out. It's possible to win the game without doing this next part, but I'm dedicated to you people and have put myself through mild misery to show how you're supposed to do it.
First thing's first, we have to hit those two red buttons on the wall and make them white. Throwing rocks is fairly annoying, but for the most part, if you position yourself right and make some practice throws, you'll get it. It's the positioning that is really difficult, because the walking controls are fairly touchy.

Sweet, that was fairly easy. If you run out of rocks (you will), just 'call rocks' and Ludo will call three more for you.

You can do this as many times as you need. Okay! Next thing we need to do is knock out all six goblin guards, using the same rock throwing method. This is the really difficult part, because the guards are constantly moving in and out of view and you have to get rocks into five windows with perfect timing to hit them. Add in the slow response time the game has between hitting enter on a command and actually going through with the command, and you've got yourself the most annoying goblin cake in the world. Trial and error and a lot of patience are the keys to this part of the puzzle. I had to have Ludo call rocks about 50 times.

This house is clear.
But the doors are still closed! There's what appears to be a metal circle next to the upper right of the doors. Maybe it's a chain pull! I'm a little too short to reach, but if I use the firey's arm, like the stone face mentioned...

If I had tried using the firey arm without knocking out the guards or hitting those buttons first, I would've been dumped into an oubliette. Fortunately, I had the foresight to not even try somehow and am totally safe! Those oubliettes will never get me!

Wait, what's that noise... It's a terrible, clanky sort of noise. Like what impending doom would sound like. Something seems to be coming towards me on the radar...

I risked my perfect non-oubliette record to get this picture of The Cleaner for you guys. As you can see, I'm very unhappy about this. So let's use our magical time device and go back to before this thing caught me, because homey don't play that way. Besides, I have a plan!!

Oof, finally I can set that thing down. I can't believe I've been carrying that in my pocket this whole time! Here comes that stupid machine again, but this time there's a massive log in the way and...

I quickly, VERY quickly, grab the plank and beat feets, which is very difficult, again because of the slow response time between hitting enter on 'take' and actually taking anything. Anyhow, running away like a namby pamby through any open door we can find eventually leads us to...

Yep, we're here once more. Except THIS time we're going through the door which we added the knocker to.

See you guys on the other side! Only one more update until we're done here, but we won't get to that immediately. I have some stuff I want to show you guys first!
Next time: Bonus Update 1 – Oh Snap, Those Oubliettes DID Get Me