
Left 4 Dead 2 was released on November 17th, 2009 - 1 day before Left 4 Dead's one year anniversary. Its release was rather a contentious subject among the community for being a full priced sequel as opposed to the continuous support that Valve typically shows for their multiplayer titles in particular.
The gameplay is largely the same as the first game, with additions and new gameplay features and an overall deeper experience. Ethansteele will be providing more information as time goes along about new features, but we won't really be explaining any of the mechanics from the first game that are unchanged.
Left 4 Dead 2 is a fairly action oriented game compared to the more horror/survival feel of the first game. We'll be playing on Advanced this time as opposed to Expert, since it still means you can fuck up and die if you're not paying attention, but doesn't mean constant wipes or forced sections of cowering in corners where we have to be paranoid to avoid dying - hopefully striking a balance between difficulty and entertainment.
The core game consists of 5 "movie" like campaigns. Dead Centre, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain and the Parish. Each campaign has 5 maps (with the exception of Dead Centre). There is also an bonus short DLC campaign "The Passing", fitting in between the first two regular campaigns, with a particular twist as you will see. Playing along with me are Blister, cKnoor and EthanSteele as before.
There's a bit more of a story and thread to this game compared to the original, so please don't post any spoilers, tagged or untagged. There's no real pressing urge to discuss stuff ahead of time so just leave it out!
We'll be updating 2-3 times a week, and we'll be covering the main campaigns as well as some versus games, other games modes and custom maps. Without further ado, let's get started!

- The New Special Infected
- Witches 'n' Guns 'n' Stuff
- Okay, that's not a happy sound.
- The Midnight Riders' music saves lives!
- Man vs Tank

Table of Contents
Dead Center - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The intro is blocked on youtube in some countries. here is the video without the intro movie - watch on baldurdash or google for the intro.
Dead Center - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dead Center - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dead Center - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dead Centre Map 4 Saferoom Graffiti: 1, 2.

Table of Contents
The Passing - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The Passing - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The Passing - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The Passing Map 2 Graffiti: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Table of Contents
Dark Carnival - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dark Carnival - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dark Carnival - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dark Carnival - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dark Carnival - Map 5 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Dead Carnival Map 5 Saferoom Graffiti: 1, 2.

Table of Contents
Swamp Fever - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Swamp Fever - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Swamp Fever - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Swamp Fever - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Swamp Fever Map 4 Saferoom Graffiti: 1, 2, 3.

Table of Contents
Hard Rain - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Hard Rain - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Hard Rain - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Hard Rain - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Hard Rain - Map 5 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Hard Rain Map 2 graffiti - 1, 2.
Hard Rain Map 3 Saferoom Graffiti - 1, 2, 3.

Table of Contents
The Parish - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The Parish - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The Parish - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The Parish - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
The Parish - Map 5 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #1 - Dead Centre

Table of Contents
Versus Match #1 - Dead Centre - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #1 - Dead Centre - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #1 - Dead Centre - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #1 - Dead Centre - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Custom Map #1 - Suicide Blitz 2

Table of Contents
Suicide Blitz 2 - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Suicide Blitz 2 - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Suicide Blitz 2 - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Suicide Blitz 2 - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Suicide Blitz 2 - Map 5 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #2 - The Passing

Table of Contents
Versus Match #2 - The Passing - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #2 - The Passing - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #2 - The Passing - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #3 - Dark Carnival

Table of Contents
Versus Match #3 - Dark Carnival - Map 1 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #3 - Dark Carnival - Map 2 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #3 - Dark Carnival - Map 3 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #3 - Dark Carnival - Map 4 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)
Versus Match #3 - Dark Carnival - Map 5 (Baldurdash | Youtube | Download)