Part 10
"Once a testament to mankind's defiance of Kain's empire, this towering cathedral now stood derelict, the humans who worshipped here, centuries dead."
"Its architects conceived this tower as a holy weapon against the vampire menace, a colossal instrument of brass and stone. The cathedral's pipes, once tuned to blast a deadly hymn, now stood silent, and these vacant spaces whistled their impotence."
After completing these, we're faced with an interesting puzzle which I neglected to properly document. There's a switch, a good distance up a hallway, which causes this wall...
The remaining puzzle in the area is more of the same - simply flipping 3 switches down 3 corridors, which activate an air vent, and allow us to reach...
Watch it here:
Video - Raziel meets Zephon
"The prodigal son... There is no returning for you, Raziel."
"Zephon, your visage becomes you. It's an appropriate reflection of your soul..."
"...and you are not His handsome Raziel anymore. His precious first-born son, turned betrayer."
"You have missed so many changes, little Raziel. Look around you. See how the humans' weapon of destruction has become my home... Indeed, my body. A cocoon of brick and granite from which to watch a pupating world..."
"A crevice in which to cower, only scuttling from the shadows to devour a victim already ensnared in your cowardly trap. But you've made the mistake of leaving me unbound, and it is you who must succumb to my will."
"Will... instinct... reflex action... the insect mind finds little difference. I warn you, brother - as my stature has grown, so it is matched by my appetite. Step forward, morsel..."
"Consuming Zephon's apostate soul has bestowed on you a new gift. Like his vampire spawn, you are able to scale certain walls which are otherwise impassable - but only in the physical realm. In the spirit world, these insubstantial edifices will not support you."
Elder God:
"In the mountains beyond the Pillars, Nosgoth's cataclysms have exposed an ancient crime. Endowed with Zephon's soul, you may now progress where your path was hitherto impeded."
"Like a corpse in a shallow grave, corruption rises to the surface... Beyond these Pillars, the defiled victim mutely screams its outrage..."
The defiled victim? Who's she talking about... we'll have to go find out for ourselves.
"The ancient tomb of the Sarafan, once impenetrably sealed... Now, ravaged by Nosgoth's upheavals, its mysteries lay exposed."
"In the time of Vorador, centuries before Kain was made, the Sarafan warrior priests waged a merciless war against the vampire tribes of Nosgoth. Emboldened by righteousness, they committed unspeakable and indiscriminate acts of violence - massacring fledglings and ancients alike, they decimated entire bloodlines in mere decades."
"Now their husks lay here - murderers enshrined."
Elder God:
"Take heed, Raziel. A forgotten history lies within. Know thyself - though it may destroy you..."
Watch it here:
Video - The Tomb of the Sarafan
"As I pulled the stone free, a sigh of sepulchral air escaped the inner chamber.
I was not prepared for what lay beyond this threshold..."
"These crypts... defiled caskets of Sarafan saints... bearing my brothers' names..."
"And my own..."
"The irony of Kain's blasphemous act rushed in on me with the crushing force of revelation..."
"Were my hands not as bloody as these? Worse, I had spilled the blood of my brothers - these very comrades whose tombs lay ravaged before me."
"Yes, Raziel - you were Sarafan... born of the same force that all but destroyed your race. Before the dawn of the Empire, you were chosen."
"Kain - Nosgoth's solitary, self-declared monarch - plundered this tomb and raised you from these crypts. Breathing his vampiric gift into your defiled corpses, he resurrected you as his favored sons."
Watch it here:
Video - Raziel and the Tomb Guardian
"Heretic! You shall not pass..."
"Such loyalty... to one who has you guarding this outpost like a chained dog. Do you prosper on the scraps he casts you?"
"Your insults will do nothing to blunt the agonies of your demise."
"Kain killed me once - behold the result. I have no more to fear from you."
"This relic has infused you with the power to compress and manipulate space. As your symbiotic weapon, the Soul Reaver is also thus enhanced. You may focus and project an orb of kinetic energy to strike objects that are otherwise beyond your reach."
We've just obtained the Reaver Bolt. This allows Raziel to fire a projectile from it (or, when not full health, to conjure a bolt of force with his hands). The game becomes significantly easier after this point, as we can simply spam the bolt button and kill anything from a range. It also throws things backwards, so it can be used to hurl enemies into environmental hazards.
"Once a sanctuary against the vampire menace, this abbey has been drowned by the deluge spilling from this wounded land."
"Your brother Rahab and his brood, devastated even by the feeble rays of Nosgoth's sun, overcame their vulnerability to water and retreated from the surface."
"Now they haunt these ruins, and glide in the darkness of its stagnant depths."
Watch it here:
Video - Raziel faces Rahab
"Rahab. You have adapted well to your environment, for one so maladjusted..."
"Do not mock me, Raziel. You, of all of us, should respect the power bestowed by a limitation overcome."
"Kain said you would come."
"You speak with the murderer?"
"You would do well to mind your blasphemous tongue."
"What more did he tell you?"
"That you would destroy me."
"I will, indeed. But tell me, before I tear your soul from its moorings, do you know what we were before Kain spawned us?"
"Sarafan, Rahab. The antithesis of all we ever believed."
"Does it matter? We were lost. He saved us."
"Saved us? From what?"
"From ourselves."
"I am undone!"
"Infused with Rahab's soul, you have overcome your former vulnerability to water's touch. Immersion in water will no longer dissolve your physical body, enabling you to swim to areas heretofore beyond your reach."
Elder God:
"Centuries past, your brother Dumah retreated with his clan into Nosgoth's northern wilderness. Empowered by the gift of Rahab's soul, seek out his mountain stronghold. But tread carefully - these frozen wastes have mysteries yet to disclose."
Elder God:
"Beyond the maelstrom of the abyss, a subterranean tunnel leads northward, to the clan territory of your brother Dumah. Endowed with Rahab's soul, you may swim to gain entry where your progress was previously impeded."
"Beyond the cliffs that witnessed your execution, a silent city sits in frozen tableau. Locked in eternal limbo, they await redemption, or release."
Next time: Dumah, but first, a secluded human stronghold, now open to us.