Part 9
"This charnel house bore the unmistakable marks of Melchiah's clan. To what depths had our dynasty plummeted, if these ghouls were the descendants of my high-born brother?"
"Were they so debased as to recruit fledglings from the desiccated corpses here interred?"
"My brother, Melchiah, was made last, and therefore received the poorest portion of Kain's gift. Although immortal, his soul could not sustain the flesh, which retained much of its previous human frailty. This weakness, it seemed, was passed on to his offspring. Their fragile skins barely contained the underlying decay."
Elder God:
"Beware, Raziel. These wraiths are vampire spirits, fettered too long in the spectral realm. When their vampire natures adapt to this plane, they become eaters of souls. Do not allow these spirits to reinhabit their corpses..."
These wraiths attack with a beam of energy, which (quickly) drains Raziel's health in the spectral realm.
Contrary to appearances, Raziel isn't being crushed beneath that block - he's actually lifting it up onto the platform above. He may be skinny, but he's got muscles!
Watch it here:
Video Raziel meets Melchiah
"Show yourself, creature!"
"Do you not recognize me, brother? Am I so changed?"
"Yes, brother.
You should have stayed where the master sent you, Raziel. You will find Nosgoth less pleasant than you remember."
"What has become of my clan? Answer me, little brother, or I will beat an answer from your horrid lips."
"Everyone is afraid, sibling. You awake to a world of fear. These times of change are so... unsettling."
"Do you think I feel no revulsion for this form?"
"Do you believe for a moment that our Lord would risk his empire upon an upstart inheritance?"
"Enough riddles - what are you saying?!"
"You are the last... to die."
"Tell me, Melchiah - where can I find Kain?"
"The master is beyond your reach, Raziel. He makes himself known when He sees fit - not when commanded."
"I am released..."

Elder God:
"You have done well, Raziel."
"Am I reduced to this? A ghoul? A fratricide?"
Elder God:
"Elevated, Raziel, not reduced. Consuming Melchiah's soul has endowed you with a new gift. Insubstantial barriers such as these are no impediment to you in the spectral realm. Will yourself to pass through, and you shall."
It seems we've inherited Melchiah's unique ability.
Elder God:
"Return to the Sanctuary of the Clans, Raziel. Melchiah's soul has endowed you with the means to gain entry. Beware, however - this hollow derelict is abandoned, but not uninhabited..."
We'll follow his advice, but not yet - we've got a small detour to take, first.
Backtracking slightly, we return to the room with the first jumping puzzle, over the water hazard. Still in the Spectral Realm, we jump in, and find a metal gate underwater, barring the way to another tunnel. Now equipped to bypass this barrier, we do so, and discover a room.

Watch it here:
Video - Raziel encounters Kain
(This video is unnecesarilly long - my appologies. It's a complete bitch to load a saved game and return, at this point, for another shot at it, and I managed to fuck up this encounter more times then I'd like to admit. So a solid 3 minutes or so of that 8-ish minute video is just me trying in vain to complete it.)
"The abyss has been unkind."
Kain very casually stands up and begins towards Raziel, as though without a care.
"I am your creation, Kain - now, as before. You criticize your own work."
"What have you done with my clan, degenerate? You have no right--"
"What I have made, I can also destroy, child."
Kain speaks in a firm, cool, and condescending tone, very indicative of his character.
"Damn you, Kain! You are not God! This act of genocide is unconscionable!"
"Conscience...? You dare speak to me of conscience? Only when you have felt the full gravity of choice should you dare to question my judgment!"
"Your life's span is a flicker compared to the mass of doubt and regret that I have borne since Mortanius first turned me from the light..."
"To know that the fate of the world hangs dependent on the advisedness of my every deed - can you even begin to conceive what action you would take, in my position?"
Kain emphasises his words carefully, his voice becoming firm, but not quite angry. He never loses his cool.
"I would choose integrity, Kain."
"Look around you, Raziel - see what has become of our empire."
"Witness the end of an age. The clans, scattered to the corners of Nosgoth..."
"This place has outlasted its usefulness - as have you."
Kain reaches up to draw his fabled blade - the Soul Reaver.
"The Soul Reaver, Kain's ancient blade - older than any of us, and a thousand times more deadly."
"The legends claimed that the blade was possessed, and thrived by devouring the souls of its victims."
"For all our bravado, we knew what it meant when Kain drew the Soul Reaver in anger."
"It meant you were dead."
"The blade is vanquished. So it unfolds... and we are a step closer to our destinies."
Kain teleports out of the room, and Raziel falls to the Spectral Realm.
"I swore I saw a glint of satisfaction in Kain's eye when the Soul Reaver was destroyed. I did not understand the game that Kain was playing..."
"But I knew the finishing move."
"From this moment and ever afterward, you and this blade are inextricably bound. Soul Reaver and reaver of souls, your destinies are intertwined."
"By destroying the sword, you have liberated it from its corporeal prison, and restored it to its true form - a wraith blade, its energy unbound. No longer a physical blade, it can only manifest itself in the material realm when your strength is fully restored. Once manifest, it will sustain you."
From this point forward, when Raziel reaches full health in the Material Realm, the Soul Reaver becomes manifest, providing him with an utterly devastating natural weapon. Further, while the blade is manifest, Raziel no longer constantly loses health in the Material Realm. But if he sustains even a single hit, the blade disperses until he heals up again.
Further, Raziel can drive the Reaver into the heart of a disabled victim, completely destroying their body - a new, permanent finishing move.
"What are you, little soul? Another of Kain's creatures, come to taunt this bound spectre?"
"I did not intend to disturb your rest."
"Rest...? A body is needed for sleep... Flesh and bones are required to recline. No, child, all I may do is watch, and remember, ceaselessly conscious as this wretched world's history unfurls. Ghastly past, insufferable future, are they one and the same...? Am I always here?"
"How have you come to haunt these Pillars?"
"Kain refused the sacrifice. The Pillar of Balance, corrupted to its core, stands as a monument to his blind ambition. Now these pillars serve only to bind me here - my prison and eternal home, thanks to the avarice of your master, Kain..."
"That bastard can claim no allegiance from me."
"Then we share a common foe, Raziel."
"Return here when you have need. Ariel remembers what others have forgotten..."
If we seek Ariel's guidance immediately, she obliges us, albeit cryptically:
"Far in the eastern mountains, a stifled titan stands in mute surrender - unwilling host to a parasitic swarm."
The Elder God offers a more clear-cut answer:
"Your brother Zephon's keep lies far to the east, beyond the ruins that greeted your first exit from the Underworld. He and his brood have cocooned themselves in a derelict cathedral, having murdered its human guardians."
Elder God:
"Seek out Zephon's lair, Raziel... beyond the ruins that greet your exit from the Underworld. Armed with the Soul Reaver, you may gain entry where your path was previously blocked."
Next time: The Silenced Cathedral, Zephon's domain