
In 1992, video game company Westwood Studios - who would later come to be known for the Command & Conquer series of real-time strategy games before being bought out by Electronic Arts and closed down - produced a point-and-click adventure game along the lines of King's Quest or Monkey Island called Fables & Fiends: The Legend of Kyrandia. Though filled with puzzles of questionable quality, especially by modern standards, the game was successful enough to spawn a fully voice-acted CD-ROM version (starring none other than Joe Kucan, who would later go on to voice Kane in Command & Conquer) and two full sequels, both fully voiced.
A little while ago, we finished up the first game (the thread for the LP of the first game is here: Cliches & Clowns: Let's Play The Legend of Kyrandia), and it's time to dig into the second game in the series: Fables & Fiends: The Legend of Kyrandia: Book Two: Hand of Fate, or just Hand of Fate for short. In this game, we'll be playing as one of the minor characters from the first game - Zanthia the alchemist - on a journey to solve a problem completely unrelated from the plots of the first or third games in the series.

Unlike the first game, Hand of Fate is pretty light on bullshit puzzles, filler locations and backtracking. It's a significant step up from the first game. Not perfect by any means, but at the very least playable.
As before, exercise good judgment with regards to spoilers. The Kyrandia games don't have a deep plot, and most of it is fairly predictable, but at least try to use spoiler tags when talking about future things. Just like the first LP, this will be a combination of screenshots, transcribed dialogue, and video clips of significant events, especially when new characters are introduced. I will also post as much of the soundtrack as I can manage to record, which should be most of it. My commentary will be in italics, and any other text can be assumed to be straight from the game, usually in the form of dialogue.
Well then, let's return to Kyrandia and see what's wrong with the place this time.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Wherein Transportation Proves Troublesome
- Chapter 2: Wherein Zanthia Smells a Rat
- Chapter 3: Wherein a Potion is Made
- Chapter 4: Wherein Zanthia Tampers With the Post
- Chapter 5: Wherein Local Bureaucracy Causes Delays
- Chapter 6: Wherein Law Enforcement is Thwarted
- Chapter 7: Wherein Poetry is Appreciated
- Chapter 8: Wherein Skepticism is Encouraged
- Chapter 9: Wherein the Natives have Zanthia for Dinner
- Chapter 10: Wherein Zanthia Journeys to the Center of the Earth
- Chapter 11: Wherein the Anchor Stone is Retrieved
- Chapter 12: Wherein a Body Part is Captured
- Chapter 13: Wherein Candy is Stolen From a Baby
- Chapter 14: Wherein Love is Found
- Chapter 15: Wherein Zanthia has Had Enough, and the World is Finally Saved
- Bonus: Secrets!