
Let's Play Legend of Legaia!
Watch the intro here!
Legend of Legaia is one of my favorite games from my childhood. Featuring a unique (to me at the time) combo-based battle system, lovable characters, memorable locales, and a solid plot, everything about it sucked me in and it has stayed with me since. While the graphics are still in that awkward PSX transition to 3D, I feel it handled the scenery and backgrounds well enough to make the game pretty in its own way.
Legaia is a mostly standard RPG world it's medieval-esque but has magic and some technologies unknown to our world. It's main feature is the Seru, powerful beings that can fuse with humans and give humans their power. Unfortunately, the Seru have gone a bit homicidal lately thanks to the mysterious Mist, and our story takes place a few years after this apocalypse of sorts. It also features a silent protagonist, and two supporting PCs who more than make up for his relative lack of characterization.
With all that said, this is a...well, I'm reluctant to call it semi-blind as I have played it more than a typical semi-blind LP would entail, but I have not actually played this game all the way through before. I got stuck on a late game boss as a kid (that ninja family) and haven't managed to get that far again since then, but I watched my dad play the rest and so I have a hazy knowledge of the latter part of the game's plot. As such, I expect to learn all sorts of new things about the game, and I hope that you will all tell me when and where to slow down and look for cool things or help me explain and understand the battle system. Stuff like that. Basically, I consider myself familiar enough to carry the LP, but insight from others would definitely be appreciated. Of course, I also appreciate feedback on my LP style itself, and if you want to see more/fewer battles or NPC dialogue or my own thoughts on things, please say so and I will try to accommodate that.
What's the policy on spoilers?
Tag 'em. I'd prefer to keep spoilery discussion to a minimum, but in general I don't mind them as long as they're in tags. This applies both to plot stuff and to future bosses, special attacks, etc.
Is this a completionist run?
I intend to show off everything that I can, yes, though that may not equate to actually everything.
Hey, I heard that if everyone reaches level 99, you can-
Correction to previous statement: I will do everything I can within reason.
(although I've found that my capacity for doing tedious sidequests is much higher than I used to believe, so who knows, maybe that level 99 thing will become a reality?)
Will you be showing off sequence breaks/glitches/other game breaking phenomena?
I'm not aware of any such things, but I'm willing to show them off if they aren't the sort of stuff that can destroy my save data.
Come with me and let's take a journey into the tragically beautiful world of Legaia...
Table of Contents
- Update 1: Rim Elm
- Update 2: Meta
- Update 3: Enter the Survival Horror
- Update 4: Noa
- Update 5: Caruban
- Update 6: Cards
- Update 7: Biron Monastery
- Update 8: West Voz Forest
- Update 9: Super Viguro Bros
- Update 10: Drake Kingdom's Mist Generator
- Update 11: Zeto
- Update 12: A Shared Dream
- Update 13: The Sebucus Islands
- Update 14: Orb
- Update 15: Elevator Tower
- Update 16: Fat Fingers
- Update 17: Three Babies
- Update 18: Xain
- Update 19: Geothermal Energy
- Update 20: Crazy Driver
- Update 21: Noa's Happy Wedding Ceremony
- Update 22: Dohati's Castle
- Update 23: To Karisto
- Update 24: The Warrior, the Pimp, and the Spoon
- Update 25: Tower of Wonders
- Update 26: Bread
- Update 27: Ice and Science
- Update 28: Dream, Tieg
- Update 29: Three-Way Split
- Update 30: The Delilas Family
- Update 31: The Lovers' Song
- Update 32: Won't Take No for an Answer
- Update 33: Castle in the Sky
- Update 34: Conkram Clam
- Update 35: Rogue
- Update 36: Jette's Absolute Fortress
- Update 37: Young Nobleman of the Mist
- Update 38: Tetsu
- Update 39: Seru-kai
- Update 40: My Name Is Songi
- Update 41: Ra-Seru Buddies
- Update 42: Bio Castle
- Update 43: Fly Pie
- Update 44: The Phoenix and The Reaper
- Update 45: King of the Ring
- Update 46: Sentient Cutlery Monsters
- Update 47: Evil Seru Magic
- Update 48: The Final Battle
- Update 49: Two Flowers