Part 75: The Wimpy Thugling


Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I don't have time to really care.

Instead, I need to up my weapon capabilities. Perhaps I could better beat Lady Blackpearl at her own game if I learn how to properly use her weapon of choice.

This thing certainly feels powerful! I think it can knock enemies out quite a bit quicker than my bow of the same material.

Only one way to test it, though!

Huh, this guy doesn't seem aggressive. Looks like another demi-human who could help me beat stuff up.

Huh...Usually demi-humans are eager to join up with me.

Huh, a fearsome monster, eh? I am always eager for a challenge.

Right, then.

Why do these guys always specialize in weapons I have nothing to do with?

Whoa! The sooner I slay that beast, the better!

Man, slamming this thing into monsters is awesome! I'm incredibly slow, but the power of my swing is worth it.

Hey, wasn't there a sand waterfall here? Guess I'll go this way and see what lies beyond!

Must be getting close! Better get myself ready!
Video: Boss - Kima

I can feel him under me!

Ah, so that's Kima!

Time to take him down!

Hmmm, seems to be preparing an attack of his own.

Man, this guy's tough to fight! It's hard to get a solid hit on him!

Oh crap! Better keep my distance when he's ready to strike!

Bah! I can't even hit him because he keeps pushing me away!

Ack... He sapped some of my strength!

Alright, enough fooling around! Time to go on the offense!

Alright, I've had it!

Evade that!

And take that!

Whew, finally.


Yeah, you would've been screwed without me.

Heh! Well, it's kinda cool that my actions have inspired others. I'm actually rooting for the little guy to make it!

The seeds? Eh, I have plenty of them, so he can help himself.

I'm glad I made a difference in someone's life today. It's actually a pretty good feeling.