
Who made this game?
Legend of Wulin Heroes is a vastly popular Chinese PC game made by Heluo Studio in 2001 whos also created the cult classic Heroes of Jing Yong and Heroes of Three Kingdom.
What kind of game we will be playing?

To simplify, it is a Kung Fu Hero Raising Sim plus RPG based on Jin Yong's Wuxia novels world of Wulin, a fictional ancient China filled with many inhabitants that know some form of martial art. In this game, you can train up to 32 stats (Not include hidden stats) and learn dozens of Kung Fu in this sim raising mode.
Oh yeah, alcohol is a stat.

But I cant show you anymore of this mode without ruining the surprise and lets not overload you with information about housework, training, practice, skill, art, system, go outside, sleep, mini-games, and battle mode until the times come.

After certain period, you will be sent to the main story mission to test your hero ability, however, the story will move on even if you failed it with dire consequence to the future storyline and the 5 possible endings.
Right now, we shall begin the tutorial mission... unless you are interested in how I gonna translate this game.
How are I going to translate the Chinese text?
I will employ western localization practice to make the reading experience as natural to the English reader as I can while preserving and explains as much cultural lore as possible so you won't fall into a cultural gap.
That also mean this won't be a straight translation that keep obscure word like honorific "sifu" or "túdì" and they will be translated as "Master" and "Student" respectively. However, this doesn't mean that this will be a professional translation as I am not that capable, and since this is a LP, it would sometime favors entertainment wording instead.
How will I translate Chinese names like Ma Lo Fu into English?
There is 50+ important NPC and its common etiquette to reveal your full name when you meet someone so it will be hard for non-Chinese speaker.
Nickname/description/personality/whatever easy to remember
<Memorable Last/First/ /middle Name>
For Example: Scholar <Peng>, Spearman <Jung>, Tiger, Master <Asia>, etc.
Un-translated example: Wong Lu Fu, Kung Ming Ton, Cha Lan Tai Tai, Mai san Tai, etc.
Edit: First dozen of chapters used nick name or romanization to make it easy to remember like Swordsman Just and Saberman Shang, but later I started using literal translation because people liked it so much. Too late to change the prior one for consistence sake. However, real historical name will be preserved unless I really can't find the English version.
Special Thanks Box - In no particular order
Thanks for the contributions posted:
Ardhanari, Centipeed, Vicas, Sandcastle, Spirit Armor, Wikipedia, Mordecai, Munin, JamMasterJim, Wang Momo, Ethan, ZippoGuy, Veev, xoFcitcrA, Maugrim, Simplefish, Bobbin Threadbare and you.

Music folder added. (100%)(Added a music to the beginning of most chapters due to request)
Character Recap (Spoiler until after chapter 41)
Character Recap (Spoiler until after chapter 82)
Full List of Titles (Slight spoiler until end of second playthrough)
Table of Contents
Mission Zero
- Chapter One: Appearance of the Hero Wannabe
- Chapter Two: Meeting a new Friend
- Chapter Three: Meet the Rater
- Chapter Four: Story and Tea Time
- Chapter Five: The Four Stooges
- Chapter Six: Shopping Spree(Cheap Edition)
- Chapter Seven: I am feeling Lucky
- Chapter Eight: Rejected and No Thanks
- Chapter Nine: Good Jesus Bad Jesus
- Chapter Ten: Within the Lush Green Forest
- Chapter Eleven: Alcohol can solve life's problem
- Chapter Twelve: A Fish Tale
- Chapter Thirteen: Daily Insanity
- Chapter Fourteen: Shopping Spree (Revenge Translation Edition)
- Chapter Fifteen: Karma, dood!
- Chapter Sixteen: Badass Gentlemen
- Chapter Seventeen: Resurrection?
- Chapter Eighteen: Chore Boy
- Chapter Nineteen: Harder Better Faster Stronger
- Chapter Twenty: My palm slap your cheek and my staff poke your eyes
- Chapter Twenty-One: Facebook
- Chapter Twenty-Two: Archery of Love
- Chapter Twenty-Three: I... you... off... offff... offffffff
- Chapter Twenty-Four: The Bird Watches
- Chapter Twenty-Five: Explosive Miracle
- Chapter Twenty-Six: Meet the Teachers
- Chapter Twenty-Seven: Drunken Justice Episode I
- Chapter Twenty-Eight: Drunken Justice Episode II & III
- Chapter Twenty-Nine: This May Cause Dizziness
- Chapter Thirty: All your herbs belongs to me
- Chapter Thirty-One: Need For Needling
- Chapter Thirty-Five: Is All About The Face
- Chapter Thirty-Six: Snake drawings
- Chapter Thirty-Seven: Guardian of Chaos
- Chapter Forty: Let It Bee Normal
- Chapter Forty-One: Older, Better, Taller, Longer
- Chapter Forty-Two: Life of a Hippie
- Chapter Forty-Three: Hangzhou Have Beautiful Women
- Chapter Forty-Four: Hangzhou Have Whoa
- Chapter Forty-Five: Back to Business
- Chapter Forty-Six: Shopping Spree (Rich Man Edition)
- Chapter Forty-Seven: Sipping and Chatting
- Chapter Forty-Eight: Big Brother Likes To Gossip
- Chapter Forty-Nine: Statues Collection
- Chapter Fifty: Fetch Quest Marathon
- Chapter Fifty-One: Drunken Riddle (Chapter A)
- Chapter Fifty-One: Drunken Riddles (Chapter B)
- Chapter Fifty-Two: Beggar Have Dignity
- Chapter Fifty-Three: Hellish Oblivion
- Chapter Fifty-Four: Blemished Adversary
- Chapter Fifty-Five: Maidens of Wulin (Chapter A)
- Chapter Fifty-Six: Maidens of Wulin (Chapter B)
- Chapter Fifty-Seven: Maidens to Love
- Chapter Sixty: Natter Foreshadowing
- Chapter Sixty-One: Cookery Adventure
- Chapter Sixty-Two: Poison Ivy
- Chapter Sixty-Three: Cookery Venture
- Chapter Sixty-Four: Gather Cluster
- Chapter Seventy-Nine: The Messenger
- Chapter Eighty: Regular Troubles
- Chapter Eighty-One: Painful Troubles
- Chapter Eighty-Two: Fish Rolled
- Character Recap (Spoiler until after chapter 82)
- Chapter Eighty-Three: Strongest Beasts of Sea and Air
- Chapter Eighty-Four: Law of Hero
- Chapter Eighty-Five: Journey of Heroes
- Chapter Eighty-Six: Battles of Heroes
- Chapter Eighty-Seven: Anguish of Heroes
- Chapter Eighty-Eight: Legend of Wulin Heroes
- Girlfriend: Graceful Azure
- Girlfriend: Chi Li
- Girlfriend: Swallow History
- Girlfriend: Thority Tracey
- Girlfriend: Rivulet Ruta
- Girlfriend: Ren Faire
- Girlfriend: Harem
- Hero Statue (Removed Content?)
- Beloved Hero (Removed Content?)
- Chapter One Hundred and One: Third Favour
- Chapter One Hundred and Two: Control
- Chapter One Hundred and Three & Four: Collides
- Chapter One Hundred and Five: No More Heroes
- Chapter One Hundred and Six: Anachronism
- Chapter One Hundred and Seven: Legendary Dream
- Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Sleeps Interruptions
- Chapter One Hundred and Nine: Lovely Sleep
- Chapter One Hundred and Ten: MORE SLEEPS
- Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: Motive of Evil
- Chapter One Hundred and Twelve: Ideology
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: Impact
- Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen: Consequence