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Dungeon Destard: Complete solution (Part 5)

The area after the force field is this... temple... thing.

The book on the altar says beautiful things.

The door on the right takes us to this demonic lab thing.

Hidden amongst the oddities and commodities is some quiddity.

Now we go up the stairs.

And then down the other side! Yay!

I feel like BEING A JERK, so that's what we'll do.

: This is a sacred place of worship. Do you know who I am?
: One of Lord British's scullery maids?
: That was not amusing. You are not amusing. Neither are you a man of respect or of manners. If you wish to remain here you will be polite and respectful!
: So who are you?
: I am Saphera, the new leader of the cult of the mighty dragon, Talornia, which was founded by the great Xarnthal.
: Who is Xarnthal?
: He was the great and wise man who saved many people by forming the cult of Talornia.
: He recognized her omnipotent power and chose to serve her rather than to fight her.
: He is now gone and is buried in the mystic tomb that shall protect him, should anyone be foolish enough to disturb his rest. Now that he is gone, I continue his work.
: What is Talornia?
: She is the great dragon who lives in these caverns. She must be served and obeyed, for her blessings are many and great, but her wrath is terrible!
: Believe in her, Avatar, or be consumed in her fire!
: Are you in league with the Wyrmguard?
: Like the Wyrmguard, we serve the great dragon, but we are not a part of them. However, unlike the Wyrmguard, we are not brainwashed fools who believe in the Guardian.
: Talornia knows that we are her true servants and in the end, she will favor us. Tell me, Avatar; what are your intended plans for the great dragon?
: I intend to kill her.
: What? Blasphemer! You must die!

This is the book left on the table.

Pulling down on the painting makes this key appear. I want to kill myself.

Inside the room is a Bonemail chest.

...and also a red globe.

And then we go through this door behind the altar.

It leads to this room.

Clicking on the dragon statue moves it off to the side, revealing another hidden doorway.

Inside is this thing.

Okay. We have a severed head, a flask of blood, a red globe, a red candle and a red skull.

This looks like a good place for an atrocity.

We place our four offerings - the Red Candle, Red Skull, Red Globe and Flask of Blood - on the four tables in each corner of the room.

Then we place the severed head in the center.

Our crime against the natural order summons forth a demon.

It doesn't know the "rules", so we have to beat it down. The "rules" meaning it is supposed to agree to send us home to Earth and then we let it loose upon Britannia.

At least we got a pretty sweet scroll out of the deal.

Now we go alllllllllll the way back to the teleporter that took us to the lower level. HAHA isn't this dungeon great?

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