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Dungeon Destard: Complete solution (Part 6)

Welcome back to part 1!

: Have you at least brought some news of my husband?
: Yeah: He's dead! HAHAHAHAHA! Dead! Here's his journal.
: I can see here that Darim did indeed die from the dragon's assault. This grieves me deeply, yet at last I know what happened to my dear one.
: No he didn't, he ran away, got lost and starved to death. He was a coward.
: I thank you for bringing this to me and giving me some peace. I know that once the dragon is dead, Darim and I may rest together.
: As a token of my appreciation, take from me this piece of the magic eggshell. May it aid you in your quest. My thanks, dear friend.


Now we go back to the main cavern and head to the west exit.

There is a pressure plate in the corner.

Placing an item on the pressure plate opens up the next passageway...

...which leads to the hatchery.

Inside is this flying electric bug thing.

We kill it with Bolt of Flame.

While we're here we take a dragon egg. We're going to hide it under Lord British's bed. It should give him quite the surprise in a couple of years.

At the back of the hatchery is the last part of his horrible puzzle.

Now we can go back to the machine at the start of this horrible dungeon.

Each eggshell needs to be placed on a specific stand. The stands are helpfully color-coded, but unfortunately due to the saturated red colored lighting coming off of the lava we can't tell which is which. So instead we just try each eggshell until we find one that works. Fuck this dungeon.

Once all of the eggshells are installed, the force field protecting Talornia's lair is lowered.

: Surely you don't think that you can defeat me! You are very brave, but very foolish, Avatar: you didn't even have the sense to bring an army!
: I'm not sure if I find that admirable or amusing. Either way, it was a very large mistake on your part and one for which you will pay dearly.
: Are you working for the Guardian?
: Not for the Guardian, with the Guardian! And only because it suits me to do so. It has allowed me to bide my time and weigh my options.
: Now that you're here, I have a proposition for you.
: What is your proposition?
: Think for a moment: I have the Wyrmguard in my palm. They do as I say. After all, what choice do they have?
: The might of my dragons combined with your strength and skill could conquer anything, even the Guardian.
: And I know what you're thinking; forget Lord British. He is a dead man who just doesn't know that he's dead yet. You can't stand against me and the Guardian.
: Join me, and together we'll topple the Guardian and rule Britannia. Think, Avatar; it's your only option and you know it.

We need her head and I don't think she's going to agree to give it to us, so we might as well go all in.

So.... who wants to suggest a strategy?

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