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We accidentally forgot all of our glass swords in Britain, so I'm going to mix...

ledge posted:

Full frontal assault!


NoArmedMan posted:

Cast some water spell, thats how it usually goes down in RPGs

I seem to recall some demand for more magic use, so let's see if I can kill this thing using nothing but magic.

Edit: This is retarded. It seems the great Talornia's AI isn't actually working and she doesn't actually fight back. What a ripoff.

Dungeon Destard: Complete solution (Part 7)

After the soul-crushingly disappointing ordeal of stabbing a stationary object to death, we get a red dragon's head.

Now that Talornia's dead, we can raid her treasure hoard.

The only worthwhile item in here is the Chest of the Troll. It's our final piece of artifact armor. When worn, it slowly regenerates health.

On our way out the ghost says goodbye and gives us a point of karma.

And now we take the portal and go all the way back through the entire dungeon.

Just a side note: Right by the skull door my eagle eyes spotted this secret passage. Inside were the Bone Gauntlets, the only piece of armor that I had never been able to find during any of my playthroughs.

After this is over I'm never playing this game ever again.

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