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The demon appears in a gout of flame as soon as we walk into his lair.

Then the game shows us that and are also fighting their demons. Otherwise we wouldn't know, because the game didn't just tell us that this is what they were going to to.

Long story short, we all defeat our demons simultaneously.

I can hardly contain myself.

We also take this Demon Skull. I don't remember for sure if we need it or not, so we're taking it just in case.

Now we go all the way around the island and back inside Valoria.

: I may not be the smartest of men, but I understand that you provoked my anger to save me from my own self-doubt.
: Were it not for you, I would still be paralyzed in the clutches of unreasoning fear. I am honored to call you trusted friend.
: You were brave, Sir Artos. I am honored to be called friend.
: Listen closely, for I will tell you the secret mantra that can be used to call upon the spirit of the Shrine of Valor.
: It is 'RA'. Use this mantra and the Dagger of Valor to cleanse the shrine.
: And one more thing, Avatar. As a gesture of respect, the Knights of Valoria offer you the Sigil of Valor. May its magic aid you in your righteous cause.
: Carry it in courage, Avatar.
: But what will become of the Valorian Knights without the sigil?
: Better for us to allow you to use it for good deeds than for it to remain locked in here while the world is crushed into darkness. Go well, Avatar.

And now we leave Valoria, and go all the way around the island again, because the developers of this game hate me specifically.

One. More.

Dexterity is the last stat we are able to raise, so we are no longer allowed to choose.

Side note: After visiting Destard a shipwreck is supposed to appear on the beach, but the game glitched out on me and it never happened. A chest on the boat has the War Bow of Blood, which is the second-best bow in the game. Ah well.

: How did it go?
: Fine; the shrine's been cleansed.
: Good, we're almost there: you've only got one more shrine left to cleanse.
: Yeah, but how do I get to it? The only way to get to the Shrine of Spirituality is through a moongate, and I can't use that moongate until I cleanse the shrine.
: Well, word is out that Lord British wants to see you. Why don't you go talk to him? Maybe he'll have a suggestion for you.

: Look, I know that this is a bad time, but I need to ask you something... about us.
: Ah shit, you aren't pregnant are you?
: Like I said, I know that this isn't the best time, but I just want to know what's going to happen once this is over.
: What do you mean?
: Well it's not like you have a history of sticking around this place for very long.
: ...
: I just want to know if there's going to be something between us once you've gotten rid of the Guardian. I can handle whatever happens, I just... I just want to know what to expect.
: Raven, I've got to be honest: I don't know what's going to happen.
: I appreciate your honesty, Avatar. You could have just told me something to make me happy.
: But I'd rather know that you respect me enough to tell me the truth, not just say something that you think I want to hear.

: Alright, I guess we'll just see what happens and try to figure it out then. As for now, I guess we need to get you to Britain.

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