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CHAPTER ELEVEN: I don't know what to call this chapter

After a particuarly crash-filled sailing adventure back to Britain, we go to see Lord British.


: !!!


Blackthorn posted:
My dear Avatar,

After all of this strife, it is time, finally, for us to bring this dispute of ours to a conclusion. If you're truly the 'Hero of Britannia' that you claim to be, meet me in the Abyss so that we may end this matter once and for all. You have escaped my grasp once, and I won't let it happen again.

I do wish you luck getting to the Abyss, however, as you will find the Isle of the Avatar has been rendered invisible to mere mortals such as yourself. You will also have no luck getting information from those pathetic followers of spirituality in Skara Brae, as my master, the Guardian, has already wiped it off the planet. Feel free to check it out for yourself.



: Blackthorn!

I'm confused. Blackthorn wants to fight us, right? So why would he hide in a place where we can't go?

Oh well. We have some business to attend to before we go traipsing off to Skara Brae.

Iolo teaches us the Cloud of Death technique and gives us his bow.

The guard in Serpent's Hold teaches us Shield Bash. It costs 10 Rage, deals 6 damage, interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 6 seconds.

Or something of that sort.

And then we sail out into the middle of nowhere, west of Destard.

There's a platform in the middle of the ocean.

Underwater are a bunch of bubbles. Normally swimming in deep ocean makes us drown in a couple of seconds, but these bubbles keep us alive.

We swim from bubble generator to bubble generator, gradually working our way down. This is a PAIN IN THE ASS and took like 20 tries.

Clicking on the two statues on either side of the force field lowers it.

There's an underwater crypt down here.

Inside is a guy and a book.

Reading the book gets us the final 2H sword technique.

The only master technique we don't get is the staff one, because that would require us to give up our Britannian Star.

: How about we go below decks for a little fun?
: Why waste time going below decks? We've got plenty of space right here.
: Mmmm, that was fantastic.

[NOTE: There was no pause, no fade-out effect or anything. That was literally the next line of dialogue.]

: Yeah, it was even better without the red hot metal.
: Very funny. So now that we've had our little fun, where do we need to go?
: I need to find Lord British. He's in the Abyss.
: The Abyss, huh? That's going to be tough.
: What do you mean?
: I don't know how to get there. You know, every city of virtue has its opposite dungeon.
: Since the Abyss is the opposite of spirituality, maybe we should go to Skara Brae and see if we can find a way to the Abyss from there.

: ...

: I'd like to go somewhere else.
: Where would you like to go?
: How about we go below decks for a little fun?
: We've already done that, now it's time to get back to work.
: So, where do we need to go?
: Skara Brae.

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